The Temple of Sulaimani was a mosque or a place of worship

The Temple of Sulaimani was a mosque or a place of worship

The Temple of Sulaimani was a mosque or a place of worship that was built by Hazrat Sulaiman peace be upon him by the jinn by the order. Allah so that people could worship inside or face it.

Before the construction of the Temple of. Solomon, the Jews had neither the existence nor the concept of any regular temple. The Bedouin nomadic life of this nation. Their temple or temple was a tent. A coffin was kept in this tent. To whom they used to worship.

The wood from which this coffin was made is called. Shamshad.

Who was sent from Paradise to Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him)
This casket was passed down from generation to generation. Prophets to. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him), in this holy box there were the staff of. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him), mana and salwa, and the relics of other prophets. The Jews used to solve their problems with the blessing of this coffin. During the wars with different nations. this ark would be placed in front of the army and with its blessings they would win over the enemy. When Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) was granted the kingdom, he had a formal palace built for himself. One day it occurred to him that. I live in a palace, while the temple of my nation is still kept in a tent.

This is the tradition of the Bible.

As in the Bible. The king declared. The ark of God is in a tent, but I live in a palace built of glorious cedar wood. (2 Samuel 4:2) So you decided to build a temple and a place was determined for it. Experts advised you that the construction of this temple is impossible in your lifetime. You give the responsibility to your son Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him).
So Hazrat Sulaiman (AS) formally started its construction in the fourth year of his reign (970 BC to 930 BC). Today it can be estimated from its structure and strength that this construction was not just a matter of humans. Such heavy and big stones were chosen by the power of the giants, who were ruled by Hazrat Solomon.

During the first construction of the temple, Hazrat Solomon left this world.

But the giants could not find out and they completed the construction of the temple.
You may have read this incident before that. Hazrat Sulaiman (AS) was possessed by the spirit of. Allah during worship but his composition was made in such a way that he was engaged in worship with his head and back on a piece of wood and the support of this piece of wood. It looked like you were still worshiping. While you had passed away. However, this temple, temple, or mosque was built very luxuriously and spaciously. After the death of Hazrat Sulaiman, it was divided into three parts.
In the outer part, common people used to worship. Next to this was the place of worship of the scholars who were the descendants of the Prophets. In the next section, which was considered

To be the most sacred. the coffin of Sakina was kept.

No one was allowed to enter this part, except the greatest scholar, the Imam.
Time passed, during which Prophets continued to be sent to Bani Israel. This nation kept getting worse and worse. They were by no means ready to repent or forsake their sins.
On the one hand. they were doing worship and on the other hand. they were openly violating the commandments. Allah became angry with this duplicitous attitude of his. A large number of prophets were also sent to them, but this nation was not ready to reform.

They were even transformed into monkeys and pigs. But they did not stop from sins.

586 BC In AD Bakht Nasr invaded their country and destroyed their temple. Sakina took the coffin out of the temple and killed about 600,000 Jews. He captured about two hundred thousand Jews and took them with him. Babylon (Iraq) built a settlement of Jewish slaves outside the city, which was named Tel Aviv. For 70 years, the temple was erased from the face of existence. On the other hand, Bakht Nasr severely desecrated Sakina’s coffin and threw it away. It is said that the punishment for this action was received by his country in the year 539. BC In AD, King Cyrus of Iran attacked. Babylon (Iraq) and defeated the Babylonian crown prince and destroyed the Babylonian Empire.

Cyrus was a gentle and just ruler.

He freed all the prisoners. Tel Aviv and allowed them to return to Jerusalem, along with the rebuilding of the Temple. He also promised to provide all kinds of support for its construction. So the (second) construction of the temple began in 537 BC. But the builders met with so much opposition from their countrymen and enemies that construction soon practically ceased and was interrupted until the reign of. Darius I. In the second year of his reign, Hazrat Zakaria (peace be upon him) encouraged the governor of Babylon and the

High priest Joshua (Joshua) made another attempt at rebuilding the temple.

He responded positively and with the enthusiastic support of the entire nation and the blessings of the. Iranian authorities and the king himself. The second Temple was completed in four and a half. years from 520 to 515. BC, including its additional constructions. But this time Sakina’s coffin could not be found in it. It is not known till today what Bakht Nasr did to him. Some people say that to protect this holy ark from further desecration it was miraculously hidden in a safe place by the order of. Allah Which no human knows.

The Jews want to dig up the whole earth in search of it.

Another interesting point is that historians usually mention the temple being built twice and destroyed twice. A study of history has revealed that not only this temple was built three times but also an interesting story came into existence with it. King Herod, who was the king a few years before the birth of. Jesus when he intended to build it in a better way there was a fear in the heart of the. Jews that if it was torn down for a new construction. There will be no rebuilding.

Herod tells them to entertain that he only wants to repair it, not tear it down.

So, in 19 BC, he demolished one side of the temple and built it with a change and some expansion. This method was successful and thus the temple was demolished little by little without disturbing the worship of the Jews and a new and different temple came into being in its place. The work was completed in eighteen months and thus a new temple was created by Herod for the third time. After some time. Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) appeared, and once again the Jews started to break mountains of atrocities on this. Messenger of Allah. They were waiting for their Messiah who would come again and give them the same glory as before.

The incident of Jesus’ crucifixion happened. 70 years after his crucifixion, God’s punishment came upon the Jews once again. This time the tormentor’s name was Titus.

This Roman general proved to be more cruel than the Babylonian king Bakht Nasr. He massacred millions of Jews in one day. He built the great temple built by Herod brick by brick. And drove the Jews out of Jerusalem forever. The Jews were scattered and disgraced throughout the world. After wandering for more or less eighteen hundred years, when Britain occupied. Palestine, at the same time, gave birth to an illegitimate child Israel. Palestine, and thus the nation, which had been pushed for centuries, once again continued to gather in this country of Israel. Permission was granted.

But this nation did not stop from its thousands of years old dirty nature.

It was not limited to Israel, born by Britain. Once again, they became a problem for the neighboring countries, forced by their nature. On June 5, 1967, he captured the Golan Heights in Syria. In 1968, occupied the West Bank of Jordan. In the same year, he also controlled the territory of Egypt. Seeing the mischief and antics of this nation today. one can imagine how conspiratorial they must have been even two or three thousand years ago. Because of this Allah cursed them. Due to the ignorance and cowardice of the. Muslim countries, he has now set fire to the Muslim countries of the whole world.

Now his next mission is to build the same temple as soon as possible and to put the throne off. David and the coffin of Sakina are back in this temple. So that once again they can establish their rule over the entire world when their Masaya (Jewish word) Messiah comes. They are doing this very fast. As a result of the construction of this temple, this whole world will be engulfed in the flames of war. US President Donald Trump’s announcement of changing the capital of Israel is also a link in this chain. But the Muslim nations do not care.

May Allah establish unity among us Muslims and keep us safe and secure forever.

When Hazrat Umar (RA) conquered this land, he prayed at some distance from the Roman Church, where the۔ Al-Aqsa Mosque was built. The Jews claim that they had a temple where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is located. Muslims consider this place sacred to them, but Jews believe that the mosque will be destroyed and the۔ Temple of Solomon will be rebuilt in its place. They also believe that a door in the back wall of the temple is the way of their king’s return before the resurrection. They think that when their king comes out of this gate, all the dead will rise behind him۔ however, according to۔ Muslim traditions, the king of the Jews is Dajjal.

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