The shocking incident of Halaku Khan’s death.

The shocking incident of Halaku Khan’s death.
Born 15 October 1218

Died 8 February 1265
Halaku Khan, the cruelest and most brutal man in the world, was sitting proudly on his horse, the rows of Tatar forces were standing all around, Halaku Khan’s horse was Halaku Khan was facing three columns of Muslim prisoners at the front. Whom today Halaku Khan had to see killed on his orders,

Then the cruel said, put pen to their heads!

And the executioner started cutting the heads of the people, one in the first row was beheaded, the other was beheaded, the third was the fourth, in the first row was an innocent old poor prisoner who was the only supporter of his family, he was afraid of death. Due to the second row, the first row was completely wiped out.

Halaku Khan’s eyes saw the old man who had left his first row and went to the second row for fear of death. He was enjoying himself with this game after seeing the scene of the murder of

The executioners began to strike the second row with their swords, the necks began to fall one by one.

The executioners were wielding swords and fountains of blood were jumping and falling on the ground. When this old sage saw that the necks of the people in the second row were cut and his turn was coming very soon, he ran away and stood in the third row. Halaku Khan’s eyes were fixed on the old man that now the third row is the last one, then where will he try to hide? Who can save this stupid bastard from my sword, if I kill millions of people, how long will he survive?

The swords of the executioners in the third row were falling like lightning, Halaku Khan’s eyes were constantly on the old man, how he was restless and indecisive due to death, the executioner moved like a lightning rod, and the third row’s necks were breaking. When he reached this old sage, Halaku Khan’s voice echoed,

Stop! Don’t say anything to him yet.

Baba told me that he ran from the first row to the second row.

When she finished, he ran into the third row,

Tell me, Baba, where will you escape now that there isn’t another row behind you, and who will save you from me?

The old man looked at the sky and said, I left the first row so that I might be saved in the second, but death also reached there, then I left the second row, so that I might be saved in the third.

Halaku threw the hammer in his hand and said, Baba, what kind of delusion are you talking about? Can someone protect you from my sword as well?

The old Muslim said with immense faith in the Lord,

the owner of everything on earth and in the sky, He can do anything if He wants and if He wants He can save me from you.

How can you save me? Halaku Khan became arrogant and opened both his arms and raised his chest and said that the hammer fell down from his hand.

Halaku Khan was a whip-wielding warrior and a cunning man. Halaku Khan, sitting on top of his horse, bent down to pick up the fallen hammer in order to catch it in the air before it fell to the ground. came out of the stirrup and he fell from his horse, while the other foot remained stuck in the stirrup,

Halako Khan’s horse got so scared that it ran away,

Halako made great efforts to save himself, the army also moved but the horse was so strong that no one could control it, it dragged Halako to the rocks and ran away. In a matter of minutes, Halako’s soul fled his haughty existence and descended into hell after his head was crushed by stones and bled to a deep red.

By the time Lashkar, after much effort, had subdued Halaku Khan’s powerful horse, his head had been badly crushed.

Halaku’s army was so afraid of this old man that the army deliberately ignored him and that sage calmly walked towards his home.

Fear the sigh of the afflicted, for when he turns to Allah, acceptance comes from afar to greet him!

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