Sultan Mahmood was living a luxurious life in the palace.

Sultan Mahmood was living a luxurious life in the palace.

One night, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi could not sleep after many efforts,

so he began to tell his slaves that some oppressor had been wronged. You people spread out in the streets and if there is any complaint, bring it to me. After a while they all came back and said: “Sultan, we have not received any complaint, rest easy.” Go to sleep.” Said the Sultan Still he did not sleep, so he changed his clothes and left the place. In the rear of the palace, near the Haram, he heard someone cry:

O Allah! Sultan Mahmud is living a life of luxury in the palace with his companions, and let this oppression be upon me in the back of the palace. Sultan. He said: What are you talking about? I am Mahmoud and I am here for your study. Tell me what is wrong with you?” come to my house He oppresses and tortures my wife.

“Where is he at this time?

Perhaps he is gone.” Dakhaya and said that whenever this court comes, convey it to Sayyid Hameera. Don’t worry if I am still in the state of prayer. The next night that person came to Sultan and told that that person was in his house at that time. When he reached near his house, he asked him to turn off all the lights in the house. Then he broke into his house in the dark and severed the man’s head. Then the Sultan ordered to light the lamp. He saw the face of this person and fell in prostration.

Then he said to the owner of the house: “If you bring me some food, I am very hungry.” ” Whoever is raw, bring it!The Sultan devoured the man’s dry loaf of bread with great relish. That person started asking the Sultan that what is behind lighting the lamp, prostrating and asking for bread? “I thought that only one of my sons would have the courage to do such oppression in my Sultanate,” the Sultan remarked after hearing your story.

Don’t get in the way When I saw that he was not my son, I bowed down to thank you. Khana asked for food because since I came to know about your trouble, I swore before Allah that there will be no justice until you. Bread on my bread is haram From that time till now I neither ate nor drank water.
From the golden pages of history, some exquisite and refined flowers of devotion.

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