Someone asked a gentleman. Have you ever seen a Wali Allah?”

Someone asked a gentleman. Have you ever seen a Wali Allah?"

Someone once asked a gentleman if he had ever seen any Wali Allah. He replied yes, he had seen it at Lahore station two days ago. As soon as our car stopped. the Qulis stormed and ran away carrying everyone’s belongings but I saw a. Quli who was happily۔ engaged in prayer.
When he greeted me, I asked him to carry the goods, and he carried the goods and delivered them to my desired place, I paid him one rupee as rent, and he kept four annas and returned the rest to me. I asked him to keep one rupee in full but he replied with a smile, “No, sir, my wages will come to four.”
Believe me, we are all disgraced in our pursuit of becoming. Allah’s guardians and seek Allah’s guardians. We understand that we will have to go through the most difficult austerities, hardships, and meditations.

We will have to spend the whole night in Nawafl

or maybe we will have to put the tasbih around our neck and wear dirty clothes and make noises of Allah, then we will reach the level of Wali Allah.
Just look at Kamal۔ more than half of our nation also thinks that he is۔ perfect۔ and will be۔ seen doing extraordinary۔ things. The one who removes a pigeon from a handkerchief or puts a lover at your feet.
To become a friend of Allah, you have to kill your ego. Sacrifice, self-sacrifice, and self-sacrifice have to be part of one’s self.
Ashfaq Sahib says that once I asked my father what is the difference between virtual love and real love.
He thought for a while and said “Son! Killing your ego in front of someone is virtual love and killing your ego in front of the whole world is real love.

During his era, Junaid Baghdadi was a well-known royal wrestler.

Compared to him, once a very weak, thin, and emaciated person came. The field was full of spectators. The king had come to see the fight of Junaid Baghdadi with his entire courtiers.
Before the start of the competition, that weak man approached Junaid Baghdadi and said, Look Junaid! After a few days۔ my daughter۔ was getting۔ married۔ and I was very poor and forced. The king will reward me if you lose. But if I lose, it will be difficult for me to arrange my daughter’s marriage.
A contest ensued and Junaid Baghdadi lost. The king could not believe his eyes, he fought again and again three and twelve times and the defeat fell to Junaid Baghdadi.
And all۔ the spectators۔ were۔ ordered۔ to spit on Junaid.
Junaid al-Baghdadi’s۔ ego was۔ crushed but the decision۔ of his guardianship was۔ announced۔ in the heavens until the Day of Resurrection.

A saint creates ease in people’s lives. Who gives hope to live?

Spread happiness on your face. When there is an opportunity to debate, who can stop his arguments and arguments and save the heart of the person in front of him from breaking?
The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to Hazrat Muadh bin Jabal:
“Mu’adh! Shall I not tell you the action that will enter you into Paradise without reckoning? Says Mu’az Of course, O Allah’s Messenger. He uttered Mu az! It’s hard work, will you do it?” I will do it, O Messenger of Allah, replied Muaz.
He (peace be upon him) then۔ said “Muadh is a task to be۔ done continuously۔

will you do it?” Mu’ad replied why not O Messenger of Allah.

He said: “O Moaz! Keeping your heart clear and transparent like glass for everyone, you will enter heaven without reckoning.
The well-known Karkhi said that the one whose exterior is better than his interior is a deceiver and the one whose interior is better than his exterior is a saint. Wilayat is۔ seen in character, not personality.
A person appeared in the service of Ibrahim bin Adham and asked permission to stay for a few days, he granted it. He stayed along for a few days and went back very disappointed. Ibrahim bin Adham asked what happened to the blessed! Why did you come and why are you going back? He said Hazrat had heard your great talk. I came to see what discoveries you have.

After saying so much, the young man became silent.

Ibrahim bin Adham asked then what did he see? He said I was very۔ disappointed. I did not see any discovery or miracle happening. Ibrahim bin Adham asked the young man. Tell me, during this time, did you see any act of mine against Shariat? Or have you seen anything against Allah and His Messenger?
He immediately answered no, he did not see anything like this. Ibrahim bin Adham smiled, put his hand on his shoulder, and said, Son! I have no one who has a greater discovery and a greater honor than him.
The person who obeys the duties avoids the big ones and creates ease in people’s lives.
Believe that there can be no greater guardian than him. The greatest sign of the guardian of Allah is that he is present.

He neither regrets the past nor is afraid of the future.

He remains۔ happy and grateful for his situation. He who makes all his sorrows one sorrow, i.e. the sorrow of the Hereafter, and becomes free from the sorrows of this world, is the saint of time.

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