Necks have to be cut to make history sir.

The Athenian kings were relieved that Hell had misled their youth when Socrates drank the poisoned cup.

The Athenian kings were relieved that Hell had misled their youth when Socrates drank the poisoned cup.
The Greek aristocracy won.
Socrates lost wisdom.
Time passed.

When William Wallace, who fought in the Scottish War of Independence, was arrested by King Edward I of England, he was charged with treason. He was stripped, tied to horseshoes, dragged through the streets of London, and after unspeakable torture, hanged and dismembered. The king of that time won. William Wallace lost. Time passed.

When Hajjaj bin Yusuf was throwing fireballs at the Kaaba,

at that time Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Zubair (RA) made the history of chivalry, he continuously received messages to lay down his arms. But you refused. He consulted his mother Hazrat Asma.
He said that the righteous do not worry about how many helpers and companions they have, go fight alone, and do not even think of obeying.
Abdullah Ibn Zubair (RA) fought against the brutal Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf and was martyred

Hajjaj sent the head of Caliph Abd al-Malik and hung the body.

When he got to Hazrat Asma, he told her, “You have seen the fate of your son.”
Yes, you ruined his world and he ruined yours,” he said in response. Hajj will win
Abdullah ibn Zubair r.a. was defeated. Time passed. Abu Jafar Mansoor offered Imam Abu Hanifa to become a Qazi al-Qada several times, but he refused every time. At one point, the bitterness between the two increased to such an extent that Mansoor resorted to open cruelty.
He assigned them to oversee the construction of the walls in Baghdad and to count the bricks, to deceive them.

Later, Mansur flogged Imam Abu Hanifa and kept him in a torture prison

Finally, he was poisoned to death in prison. He died in prostration. The condition of the congregation in the funeral prayer was that fifty thousand people came, and the funeral prayer was read six times. Mansoor won Imam Abu Hanifa was defeated. Time passed

Victory in history is not decided based on strength.

The Greek nobility possessed greater influence than Socrates. However, Socrates’ truth was more potent, as history has shown. After his tragic death, William Wallis should not have even been named, but today there are statues and memorials of William Wallis from Aberdeen to Edinburgh. William Wallace has been immortalized in history Hajjaj bin Yusuf is known in history as a tyrannical and brutal leader who wears the blood of thousands of innocent Muslims around his neck. While Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Zubair RA is a metaphor for bravery and courage, the pilgrims have been defeated, and Abdullah Ibn Zubair RA is victorious.

After Abu Jafar Mansoor killed Imam Abu Hanifa by poisoning him in prison, after his death.

a hundred identical graves were dug and he was buried in one grave so that people could not find out in which grave he was buried. The concern that people might not desecrate his grave led to the creation of this arrangement. The date decision came too soon. A hundred years from now none of us will be alive. History will trample us forward. Today it is difficult to decide who is a partner of truth and who is on the side of falsehood. Who is the bearer of truth and who is promoting falsehood?

Who oppresses whom, and who is the oppressor?

But everyone knows that this is the biggest lie in the world, because if everyone has grasped the truth, then cruelty and injustice should disappear from this earth by itself.
But everyone knows very well that we are straying far from that goal. When the historian writes about us, he will judge us all by the same criteria, but alas, none of us will be around to hear the cruel judgment of history. So, in the period we are going through today, why don’t we look at ourselves and see if we are

not standing with the Greek elite who gave Socrates a cup of poison?

Do we not stand with the oppressors like pilgrims?
Are we not standing with those who lashed out at Imam Abu Hanifa?
Finding the answer to this question and admitting oneself wrong is a great act of courage, which is sorely lacking these days, and the only thing to see is how the conscience spent that time.

May Allah Ta’ala show us the truth and give us the ability to follow it and show us the falsehood as false and give us the ability to avoid it. Ameen.

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