Marriage divorce and children | Saber abuses his wife Zoya

Marriage divorce and children | Saber abuses his wife Zoya

Marriage divorce and children

There was a bitter conversation between husband and wife. There was a domestic reason, which happens every day in every house. Both had a son. Saber abuses his wife Zoya. Ever since I got married to you, my life has become hell.

Zoya also shouted. You have given me so much pain. I pray now. Let me die. Now I can’t even take a breath with you. The quarrel was not about anything big. A 4-year-old son was watching his parents arguing.

The son was very worried. Sometimes he would hold his mother’s hand and sometimes his father’s. At the point when the dad couldn’t bear it, he got the stick and begun beating him.

Zoya started screaming. Hearing the sound of screams, the people of the neighborhood came. He came and rescued Zoya. Blood was flowing from Zoya’s head. The son was afraid. He was hiding behind the door. Saber shouted and said, I am giving you a divorce.

Divorced three times Zoya came to Makkah to take her son. He had a strange fear in his heart because he had a son. He was afraid of everything. A 4-year-old son. Resting on his mother’s lap was him. He was going to bed on it. He didn’t even have a second apart from his mother.

In the mean time the dad recorded a case in court child I will keep it with him.

Received the letter from the court. Zoya’s brother read the letter and said that Sabir had filed a case to keep his son. Listen next week. The son was clinging to his mother’s lap. The son was now 6 years old.Mother said. Nothing, son.

2 years have passed since the division of the guardians. Yet, even the child Aaj would get a fever at whatever point he recalls the squabble. The first hearing was held. Saber’s lawyer was a big lawyer. The case was going in favor of Saber. Zoya was feeling that I would lose my son.

Zoya came home, son Azan. He said to his mother. Why are we going to Abu there? Abu was telling me that your mother is dirty, don’t stay with her.

The son kissed his mother’s face. My mother smiled a little.

Tears started flowing from the mother’s eyes. The son, who was just six years old, began to wipe the mother’s tears with his small hands. Why is Mama crying? I will not leave you.

The son lay down on his mother’s lap. Meanwhile, Zoya’s brother came. He looked at Zoya and said. We will lose the case. Azan will have to be handed over to his father, his lawyer is a great lawyer.

Zoya became silent. She started kissing her son’s mouth.

Sometimes I kiss my feet, sometimes my hands, sometimes my head. Azaan was asleep. Zoya hugged her chest hard and kept crying all night.
Azaan took ice cream from the shop kept it in the fridge and said to Nani, I will come and eat it.
Mother covered Azan’s face in her hands and spoke softly
Eat food on time. Don’t do anything stubborn.
And don’t eat dirty things from the shop. Brush your teeth every day. Mama will see you every day from here.

The son could not understand why his mother was saying such things.

Mother kissed her hands and feet. The final hearing was held in court.
Zoya was sitting with her son in her lap, her heart was beating loudly.
The idea was that I wished I could bear it and not be separated from my son.
Stay silent for the sake of your son.
Meanwhile, the action started.

The judge gave a written decision.

After hearing all the arguments, we have come to this conclusion.
The son will stay with his father. As soon as he heard the decision, the mother’s kidney burst. The mother fell unconscious.
The father stepped forward and picked up his son.
The son did not want to go to his father, the son started crying and screaming, I have to go to mama, I have to go to mama. Leave me. Zoya regained consciousness.
Running with bare feet.Went to Saber. Knelt in front of him and begged. Just once let me hold my son on my chest.

But the lawyer told the policeman to remove this woman from there.
Sad and disappointed bride lying on the floor with rose flower

But the lawyer told the police to get this woman out of there. The mother burst into tears. Son was near death.
With a smile, the attorney congratulated Sabir on winning the case. After giving the lawyer the agreed upon amount, Sabir departed.
When the son and his mother parted, the son used to scream and wail. His father’s house was like a jail.
Mother married a different man. Father remarried as well. Time began to elapse.

Mother got busy in her life. Father with his new wife.
Azan. He started living as a living corpse.

There was no guilt, no crime, no sin in the call to prayer. The innocent was punished by Azan.
He could not go to school. He could not get any place in life. Finally, his father made him wash dishes in a hotel.
I ask all of you.
What is the fault of such children??
You don’t have enough patience to forgive each other’s mistakes. Patience is over. ??. They fight like dogs. Blaming each other.
The hatred of both of you eats your children.
And belief also gives him the name of the murderer.
In the first marriage, you don’t tolerate each other’s little things. And in the second marriage, you compromise on the big things.
I don’t know how many children will be sacrificed to the poisonous hatred of their parents, who will destroy the innocent.

Belief joins hands in front of you.
Learn to tolerate each other, and try to understand each other.
You know the journey of faith. It is not necessary to meet the wife’s thoughts after marriage because you are two different people with different thoughts and different desires. The purpose of marriage is to unite two different people.

Divorce is not the solution to every problem.
Finally, what can be the reason why the second marriage does not fail? So I tell you. The second marriage does not fail because of this. At that time, we learn to be patient, we learn to tolerate.
They ignore each other’s mistakes and move on.
If such a thing happened in the first marriage, then the children should not be born. If someone saves his children from becoming dust by reading my writing, then my goal will be complete.

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