Ibn Sabat was a famous thief of Baghdad

Repentance of Ibn Sabat , Ibn Sabat was a famous thief of Baghdad

Ibn Sabat was a famous thief of Baghdad, no gentleman could hear his name without expressing extreme hatred. He was such an expert in his profession that despite committing twenty thefts, he was not caught by the law, but finally one day the authorities arrested him. Declared a reformable criminal, he was sent to prison for life.

The people of Baghdad now used to refer to him as Shaytan with cut hands or Shaytan with one hand.

After living in prison for ten years, one day Ibn Sabat somehow escaped and as soon as he came out of prison, he decided to resume his old profession. Life had not affected his mood and character in the slightest. As soon as he breathed in the atmosphere of freedom, the desire to steal made him eager, and as soon as the darkness of the night spread, he set out on his campaign. He went but he could not get a chance to enter any house.

Finally, he saw a vast mansion surrounded by a huge gate in the middle of the mansion.

 Ibn Sabbat stopped when he reached the gate and started thinking about which way to go. While thinking, his hand went to the gate. He was surprised to see that the door was not locked from the inside. Slowly the door was pushed back and he entered. It was a vast compound with rooms all around and a large room in the middle. It is the house of a rich man or a merchant. He did not touch the door, or it opened immediately like a gate. Entering the room, he looked around and found it empty of valuables.

On one side there was an old mat made of palm leaves.

Near it, there was a pillow made of chada and a few sheepskin shoes. In one corner, there were a few bags full of coarse cloth. Ibn Sabbat was shocked to see such trivial items and started abusing the owner of the house. He thought, what kind of dirty clothes and goods had been kept in such a big house by this fool? However, he was not allowed to leave the house empty-handed. He could not tie the thick fabric of the couch with his hand and sat panting. At that moment, the door opened and a person entered the room with a lamp in his hand. He was tall, with a bent back and a very thin body, with a light-colored long robe and a wide black cap made of buffalo skin on his head.

Despite being so thin and thin, there was a strange kind of satisfaction and light on this person’s face.

There was such a brightness in his eyes that no other person could remain without being affected by it. He entered the room, put the lamp aside, and addressed Ibn Sabat in a very sweet voice, saying, “My brother, may God have mercy on you.” This work cannot be done without light and the help of a partner. Look, this lamp is lit and I am here to help you. Now we will both do this work with satisfaction. And he did not understand what was the matter, so the stranger divided the thanas into two parts and then tied them in two bundles, then suddenly he got an idea.

 And he addressed Ibn Sabat and said, Forgive me, my brother. I have no idea that you must be hungry after doing such a tiring job.

Saying that I will bring you hot milk and you will be refreshed by drinking it, the stranger left the room and Ibn Sabat Alam was lost in contempt. What a fool I am, I could not even say that this is my profession. By chance, today we both have gathered in this house. It seems to be a mystery of the house. For he came with the goods of light, and when he saw that I had already arrived, he was willing to join me to be entitled to half of the goods. Then he entered the room and held the cup in Ibn Sabat’s hand saying, “Drink it, it will remove your hunger and fatigue.

Ibn Sabat was very hungry, so he emptied the cup of milk.

And then he shouted to the stranger and said, Look, I had arrived before you, so according to the principle of our profession, you have absolutely no right to this property, so we will give you proof of the diligence you have shown in collecting the property. I’ll bestow upon you immense wealth. Let’s take our watches and go. The stranger smiled in response to Ibn Sabat and then said in a compassionate tone, “My brother, why do you make your heart dirty thinking about my share? I’m asking you for something, and I won’t comply. You have one hand. You pick up this small bale and I will pick it up in a big bucket.

Where you say, I will deliver. Ibn Sabat said that’s all right, you cannot find a better leader than me in the whole country.

I will carry this small bale and you shall carry the big bale and go ahead of me. Al-Nhaif al-Jasth Al-Ajar put the big bale on his waist with all his strength. walked ahead of him, but Ibn Sabat was in a hurry because the night was ending very quickly. There was a place to climb.

The stranger faced great difficulty due to the heavy load.

And he fell powerless in one place. Ibn Sabat hurled insults at him and then kicked him hard on his back. The stranger immediately stood up and started apologizing to Ibn Sabat. He placed it on his back and both of them walked away from the city to an old ruin. Here was Ibn Sabat’s shelter. He left his bale outside and jumped into the ruined wall. In the light of the moon, Ibn Sabat looked contentedly at the face of the stranger who was panting in front of him. Hawa, my brother, this wealth is blessed for you.

I am the owner of this house and I give you this wealth with pleasure.

It is a pity that I could not serve you sufficiently, but on the way I caused trouble for you due to my weakness and laziness. Forgive me for God’s sake, now I want to leave you, God bless you.
Saying this, the stranger quickly left for the city, but his words became a dagger and stuck to Ibn Sabat’s chest. I was thinking that there are such people in the world, what I thought of him and how I treated him and how he treated me, his mind became numb, his conscience made him restless and As soon as he appeared, he stood out to look for the stranger, now he had no fear of anyone in his heart, only the desire to lay his head at the feet of this stranger, he did not have any difficulty in finding a house for the night. Standing outside it, he asked a person whose house is this merchant.

The man looked at him in surprise and said, “Mian, you seem to be a traveler. What is the business of a merchant here? This is the residence of Sheikh Junaid Baghdadi.” He entered and saw that the door of the big room in front of him was open and the same night stranger was sitting on the mat supported by a pillow and thirty or forty men were politely sitting in front of him.

At that time, the call to prayer was heard from the mosque and people stood up.

When they all left, the Shaykh also got up, but he did not step outside the door. Ibn Sabbat fell at his feet crying. The tears of inaction had washed away all the ink in his heart. The world of Ibn Sabat’s heart had changed now. The path that others had not seen in years was completed by Ibn Sabat in a few moments. Shaykh Ahmed Ibn Sabat instead of the Shaytan who had his

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