Do you know Sultan Ruknuddin Baybars?

Sultan Ruknuddin Baybars

Do you know Sultan Ruknuddin Baybars? Do you know about his eternal victories?

His achievements are far greater than those of the Umayyad. Abbasid, Fatimid, Safavid, and Ottoman caliphs but unfortunately. Being a Mamluk and a slave. historians have not given him any place.

Rukn al-Din Baybars has the most fame and position among the sultans of Egypt after Sultan Salah ud-Din. During his time, the Mongols were attacking Egypt from the east. The Crusaders were invading from the west. While at that time internal sectarianism was happening from within the country. Three major temptations against the Muslim Ummah came together at the global level. And all three were attacking him simultaneously. He defeated all three in such a way that all three became extinct.

It is said that he used to fight on one front at night. And on another front in the morning, his enemies considered him a ‘Jin’.

With his sword, the Tatars repented that the factions had become Muslims. He allied with Hulako’s cousin Barke Khan and destroyed the Tatars. Allama Iqbal had talked about Barke Khan’s declaration of jihad against his own Tatars by becoming a Muslim and uniting with the Muslims.

It is evident from the Yurysh Tatar legend
The guards found the Kaaba from the shrine

The destruction of the Mongols in the battle of Ruknuddin Baybars. Ain Jalut completely changed the course of history. Ain Jalut was the battle where the illusion of the Mongols being invincible was shattered. And Genghis Khan. Destruction of the progeny of the retreat began Tartarism was the greatest temptation to pursue Islam. Which was wiped out by Baybars.

Rukn al-Din Baybars ended the Crusades.

This same Ghulamzade defeated the French Emperor Louis Ninth in the Ninth Crusade. So clearly Europe never again dared to directly impose a crusade on the Islamic world. Now they operate by deception and conspiracies and are very successful.

It was Ruknuddin Baybars who decisively defeated the inner sect with the help of Barqai Khan. Who had been under the nose of the Muslim rulers for two hundred years? Who killed dozens of Muslim kings and princes… as if it was Ruknuddin. Baybars destroyed Qila Alamut.

Barkai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, converted to Islam through the efforts of Ruknuddin Baybars. And then together gave Halaku Khan Kokchal. Due to this, the caliphates continued for the next six hundred years.

Read about the war tactics of this servant. What was the best general Alp Arslan was a general equal to Sultan Ayubi, Nur-ud-Din Zangi. Sultan Muhammad Fatih Read about the espionage system of the servant Crusader Historian. He writes that Ruknuddin Baybars was not a human being but another creature.

When Bayburs talked to his nobles about defeating the Tatars.

people used to make fun of him. He killed the Tatar ambassadors against Genghis Khan’s grandson Halako Khan. Who was a symbol of terror in the Islamic world at that time and was invincible. You have imposed the war on yourself

And then the battle strategy of the Tartars on the battlefield was reversed. And defeated the Mongols for the first time in history. Their invincible strategy and terror ended. And suffered such a humiliating defeat that after this defeat. All over the world, the Mongols retreated to their own lands after being defeated on all sides. And there was no one left to bear their name, and the Christian kings of France suffered such a crushing defeat after several hundred years. Christians did not dare to attack the Muslim Ummah.

Justice has not been done to this Muslim warrior who changed the course of world history. Historians have not given Ruknuddin Baybars the place. He deserves and I think it is because of his The children did not rule and they were slaves

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