A man bought a beautiful bird.

A man bought a beautiful bird.

When he chirped, the person would be very happy with a very charming and cheerful voice, as if the voice of this bird was very melodious and sweet.

One day suddenly another bird like him came to the cage and spoke some words in his own language. And went. The bird in the cage became completely silent as if it were a dumb bird. Its owner waited for two or three days, but the bird was completely silent.
That person brought this bird with the cage to the presence of Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) and complained that he had bought a very expensive bird.

His voice used to make me happy, but what happened now is that he doesn’t speak at all!

Hazrat Solomon (peace be upon him) (who knew the languages ​​of animals, cattle, birds, all) asked this bird what is the reason that you have become silent? This person thinks that I am chirping happily, but the fact is that I cry when I see other free birds. I am humming.

Then one day one of my same-sex came to me and said

This person does not understand your language but understands that you are chirping happily with a very melodious voice. If you want to be freed from his prison, stop crying, stop talking and crying because your words don’t affect him because he can’t understand your pain. Since then, I have patiently kept quiet.

Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) said to this person, “Open the cage.

And set him free because he will never speak again in the cage. The man said, “If it remains silent now, what will I do by keeping it for no reason? Thus, he opened the cage per Sulaiman’s (peace be upon him) instruction. As soon as it saw the person, the bird took off, perched on a tree branch, and flew away, chirping all the way. He said peace be upon him, that if you want to be freed from your grief and suffering, keep quiet, have patience, and don’t complain to anyone. If you follow these steps, you will eventually be freed from all grief.

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