The most immoral nation was the nation of Lut (peace be upon him)

The most immoral nation was the nation of Lut (peace be upon him), they were interested in men except women

Especially if there was a handsome boy among the passengers, these people would make him their victim, it is written in the Talmud
That the people of Sodom were cruel, deceitful, and evil in their daily lives
No traveler could enter their territory without risk.
Not a single impoverished person could obtain bread from their settlements.
Many times it happened that an outsider would die of hunger after reaching their territory and these people would take off his clothes and bury his body naked. He made his valley a garden
. In this garden, whose chain was extended for miles, he used to commit debauchery with extreme debauchery.

Hazrat Lut (peace be upon him) invited them to monotheism and ordered them to repent from this heinous act of wickedness.
“Why do you do this?” Hazrat Lut questioned. Do you leave women and turn to men for pleasure?”
The fact is that you are stupid people. Then Hazrat Lot used to preach and advise the people of Sodom day and night. But it had no effect on this nation.
Rather, unfortunately, they used to do this in a very proud manner
So they said clearly that if you continue to praise us like this and interfere in our work
So we will drive you out of our city. Hazrat Lot continued the series of advice and preaching.
Therefore, the citizens of Sodom themselves demanded divine retribution one day.
Allah Ta’ala had allowed them until now despite this worst act of obscenity and wickedness.
But when he said to Hazrat Lut (peace be upon him) one day
If you are true, then bring punishment on us.
Therefore, divine punishment was decided on them.

Allah sent His special angels to the world.

These angels were actually Hazrat Mikael and Gabriel
Then these angels came to the house of Hazrat Lot (peace be upon him).
When Hazrat Lot saw these beautiful young boys, he became very nervous and anxious.
They began to feel the danger that if the people of their nation saw them.
So I don’t know what they will do with them. Hazrat Lut’s wife’s name was Vaila
He did not believe you
And she was actually a hypocrite. She was with the unbelievers so she went and told the people of Sodom.
That two young boys are staying as guests in Lot’s house
Hearing this, the villagers ran. He reached the house of Hazrat Lot
Hazrat Lot said that these are the girls of my people
These are lawful and pure for you. Fear Allah, do not disgrace me in front of my guests.
Are none of you decent men?
Hearing the words of Hazrat Lut, those people spoke
You are well aware that we have no need for your daughters
And you are well aware of our real desire.
It can be inferred from this shameful response of the people of Lot
To what extent they had indulged in evil deeds

When the people of Hazrat Lut (peace be upon him) came running towards his house,

Hazrat Lut closed the doors of the house and hid the young men in a room.
These wicked people surrounded your house
And some of them were also trying to climb the wall of the house
Hazrat Lut (peace be upon him) was very nervous about the honor of his guests. So he said thus while revealing the truth.
O Lot, we are angels sent by your Lord
These people will never reach you
. There is still some night left, so take your family and go
And let none of you look back.
The people of Sodom were determined to break the door of Lot’s house when Gabriel came out of the house and struck them with one of his wings.
From which their eye sockets came out
And the vision appeared

This special punishment came to these people.

Who came to Hazrat Lot with malice. Hazrat Lut (peace be upon him) was satisfied knowing the reality
And they went out at night with their families.
But still his wife was with him, but after going some distance, she turned back to her people and went to hell with the people.
When the morning began, by the command of Allah, Hazrat Jibreel uprooted the city from above and then placed it on his arm and ascended to the sky until the people of the sky reached the city.
Listen to the dogs barking and the roosters crowing.
After razing the settlement to the ground, stones were thrown at them.
The name of the deceased was written on each stone.
When these stones hit them, their heads would shatter.
An early morning starter
This punishment had destroyed the whole town up to Ashrak
Allah gave these beautiful settlements of the people of Lut a very bad smell
And turned into a black prison. From whose water no benefit can be taken even to the living world.
No living fish, frog etc. can live in this part of the sea. That is why he is called Dead Sea, meaning Deaf Dead
which is located between Israel and Jordan. Archaeologists discovered this ruined city after ten years of research.
Investigations revealed that life in the city had completely ceased.
Archaeologists made this guess by looking at the city’s roads and ruins
That when this city was destroyed, people were engaged in their daily affairs and work
And here life was suddenly over

The people of Sodom who were turned to stone.

Their idols are still standing near the Dead Sea as a reminder to the people
Today in European countries, this evil is allowed in the name of human freedom
And this obscene act is considered due to pride
According to traditions, once Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) asked Satan what is the worst act in the sight of Allah, Iblis said when a man misbehaves with a man and a woman fulfills her desire with a woman!
And I am ashamed to say that
This is what is going on in our society today, but this heinous act has the headship of the law.
May Allah give us wisdom and action to improve our worldly and hereafter life.

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