Companions who go to heaven without prayer and deeds

Companions who go to heaven without prayer and deeds.

One of the companions who never said a prayer after embracing Islam is Hazrat Aswad Ra’i (may Allah be pleased with him), but the good news of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he is a Sayyid and reached Paradise. He was a shepherd and used to graze goats for wages.

When the Prophet (PBUH) besieged Khyber,

one day he asked the people of the fort why they were preparing for war. It happened that one day he went out of the fort to graze goats and there was the army of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in front of him.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) informed them of the basic teachings of Islam and the love of Islam arose in their hearts.

They asked what would be the reward if I bring Islam. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Paradise! “My body smells bad, and I am ugly and black.” he said. Will I still be eligible for heaven by converting to Islam?” He said, “Yes!” Allah will give you beauty and the smell of your body will be replaced by fragrance.

After hearing this, Aswad Rai brought Islam and said that these goats are a trust with me,

Farmers raise millions of goats, but little has been known about whether their ruminants are happy. Now we know better.

what should I do with them? The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Drive them towards the fort.” If they drove the goats towards the fort, they all went into the fort. When they were brought in front of them, the body of Aswad Ra’i was also among them. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) turned away from them for a while.

Allah has made his face beautiful. And the body has been scented with perfume. The Companions used to mention him and say that he is a person from Paradise who has not prayed for Allah but has directly reached Paradise.

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