How can it be that we call our family members with such respect?

Imam of our mosque is a thief!

In a country in Africa, a man memorizes the Qur’an and is a scholar of Sharia
The imam of the congregation was appointed in a mosque.
People respect this scholar very much.
And everyone wanted to invite this scholar to his house for a feast.
Especially in Ramadan,
For this reason, a Muqtadi invited them to his house for Iftar in Ramadan
Aalimji accepted the invitation.
And when they arrived at this Muqtadi’s home for Iftar,
And there he was received very splendidly.
Following the scholar’s departure, Muqtadi’s wife
Cleaned the guest house.
So he remembered,
He kept some money in the guest house.
But this woman looked everywhere, and she could not find that money.
And she asked her husband,
Did you take that money?
The husband replied: No,
And then she told this to her husband that no other person came to our house except the guest
And our baby was in the other room,
And a child so small in a cradle cannot steal,
Ultimately both came to the conclusion that:
The money has been stolen by the guest
And thinking this, there was no end to the anger of the host,

How can it be that we call our family members with such respect?

And they did it wrong,
This person should have been a role model for the nation.
Not a thief,
In spite of his anger, the man humbly shrugged it off.
But in the meantime he started to stay away from the scholars of religion
So that you don’t have to pray for peace,
That’s how the year passed
And then Ramadan came,
And people then started inviting the religious scholar to their homes for iftar with the same special love and enthusiasm
The man said to his wife:
What should we do?
Call Maulana Sahib home or not?
The wife said:
should be called
Because it is possible that they took that money under duress,
We forgive them so that Allah may forgive our sins.
And then this person invited Maulana Sahib to his house for Iftar with the same respect.
And when the Iftar was over, the host said to the guest:
Sir, would you be interested that my attitude towards you has changed over the years?
The scholar replied:
But due to busy schedule,
Couldn’t find out why from you.
said the host
Qibla! I have a question
And I hope you will answer it clearly,
Last year during Ramadan, my wife kept some money in the guest house.
After that, she neglected to take the money.
And after your departure we did not find that money,

What money did you take?

The scholar said:
yes i took it
The host was shocked,
And Aalim Ji continued his speech and said:
When I left the guest house,
I saw that,
Money is kept on the counter,
Because the wind was blowing,
And the notes were flying around in the wind,
So I collected those notes,
And I couldn’t put that money under the floor or anywhere else that,
Otherwise, you won’t be able to find that money.
and get upset,
The scholar then shook his head vigorously.
and began to cry aloud,
And then addressing the host said:
I’m not crying because,
You accused me of stealing.
It is very painful though
I’m crying because,
365 days have passed,
And none of you have read even a single page of the Holy Quran.
And if you had opened the Qur’an once,

you would have found the money kept in the Qur’an.

As soon as the host heard this, he quickly stood up and brought the Holy Quran.
and quickly opened,
And the Holy Qur’an contains the entirety of it.

We Muslims are in this situation right now.
They do not recite the Qur’an even throughout the year.
and consider themselves to be true and real Muslims.

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