The tragic death of a black magic woman

The tragic death of a black magic woman

 In the words of a doctor

 Argument Dr. The most painful death in my professional life was the death of this patient of mine and seeing it, all the staff including me were asking Allah for forgiveness for their sins. The patient’s name was Samra. Samra had a stroke. As a doctor, I knew that it was impossible for Samra to survive, so I told my patient Samra’s son Masood that your mother has only one week left and I would have prescribed medicines. Yes, take them home and give them medicine when they are in pain.

My speech was not yet finished when Masood, Masood’s wife and Samra’s daughter-in-law woke up and said that no, they cannot take Samra home. Children are also afraid of Samra’s daughter-in-law’s words about Samra’s daughter. gathering courage to support and when Masood was addressed, he expressed less sympathy for his mother in words than his wife and said, “When my mother dies, call me and I will tell the people of Edhi that The dead body will be received while your fee will be received tomorrow and then a blank check was on my desk yesterday.

On the other hand, the condition of the patient was very bad,

the intensity of the pain increased suddenly, sometimes the patient said, “My son, don’t shroud me, I am alive. Sometimes, she said, “My grave is too narrow, I cannot stay in it.” Hearing the patient’s condition and words, the attendant sitting on the patient’s head would run away in fear.

The patient was on her third day in the hospital today and for three consecutive days all the staff were so scared that the female nurses refused to work any more in the hospital. The heart had shrunk more than half, the blood supply had decreased and the patient’s suffering had increased. It was surprising that the patient’s son and daughter-in-law had never come to the hospital. Now the last time of my patient was near.

I advised the nurse posted in the patient’s room to read the Holy Qur’an and keep ablution.

I believe in spiritual treatment along with medical treatment. After reciting the Qur’an, the patient became calm to a great extent, but still snakes, grave shrouds, scorpions and the fear of death were riding on her.

Readers, please believe that when the patient’s heart completely contracted and stopped supplying, the patient’s complexion became very terrible, the patient died. He refused to come saying that he was out of town on business. The daughter-in-law of the patient also did not consider it appropriate to come to the hospital, so the body of the patient had to be handed over to the people of Edhi.

Believe me, when the patient was taking her last breaths,

the body of the patient smelled like a rotting corpse. Through black magic, many people were crippled and many were killed.

My prayer is that Allah protects everyone from the evil of Satan, Amen

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