Edhi Wale and three bandits

Edhi Wale and three bandits

I asked one of the members of Edhi Foundation that you receive dead bodies every day in which different people die due to various accidents. Has been a victim of?
After listening to my talk, the respectable person sitting in front became more serious and spoke. This has happened many times. It was last week that we received a call. He took them and bathed them, arranged for the funeral and buried them after the funeral with the help of the local people. Later, the reason for their death was found to be that both the mother and daughter were the only ones left in this world. The sponsor’s son and husband had died a tragic death in the crime of not paying alimony to a political party in Karachi. In this way, they used to get by, sometimes the rent of the house was paid and sometimes the ration of the month came from their earnings.

Then suddenly a new trial came,

the mother was electrocuted due to the shock of which she fell away, the bone near the brain was hurt in her head and her leg was also broken. Little by little, he took the loan and started treating his mother by performing an operation on her leg and rods were put in it, while the operation of the cracked bone near the brain was expensive. There was no other option but the operation because the girl had There was not enough room for him to operate on his mother, so he tried his best to keep his mother’s pain down through temporary sedatives and injections until her leg was completely healed. .

After the mother’s leg was cured, he took two lakh rupees on interest and decided to get the mother’s head operated. When she resisted strongly, the girl was raped in front of her mother. The girl reached home in a state of disrepair and committed suicide without telling her mother. It happened because this city of lights already took away her son and husband from her, today her daughter also lost her life along with her dignity, so that woman also committed suicide.

I was afraid of the brutality of these robbers.

started searching but we got a call to pick up three bodies again on the second day. Two bottles of liquor were broken and one hundred and ninety-two thousand in cash was found in their pockets. When I arrived to take the bodies from the police, I was surprised that the three people were the same robbers who passed by. Yesterday, an orphan girl was humiliated and robbed of two lakh rupees and these two lakh rupees were of no use to her.

After giving bath to these bodies, I arranged for the burial and arranged for their funeral, and even during their funeral, prayers were coming out from my heart for this girl who committed suicide.
Seeing the death and condition of these three, I felt that these people had forgotten God and now nature has taken its revenge on them by pulling their reins.

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