[Chapter 7] (Amazing win) The story of a few boys and girls

[Chapter 7] (Amazing win) The story of a few boys and girls

Adnan asked him in surprise that he had not told him yet.

Hey man, where was Zardad KP trying again and again? To talk to A, that he wants to come for some time, but he is not agreeing, Mowahid replied angrily. And then looked around in the same way in anxiety. Talk to someone else and give him the double that Zardad sent. Adnan comfortingly suggested, placing his hand on his shoulder. There are a few hours left now, I still try. Mohid said in despair took out the phone from his pocket and walked to one side. Only Rida’s staff was reaching now. Rida itself had not arrived yet. Mohed attempted to make an alternative arrangement. Zardad before his arrival. When he reached Mohid, he immediately saw him and went towards him with a raised face. or
Mohid said in a worried tone hitting the phone on his palm. (Manahil Manahil)

There were wrinkles on his forehead and he was still dressed in trousers and a T-shirt.

Meaning he was not yet ready for the ceremony. Why are you getting so worried, everything is fine and one is ready. Adnan looked around and asked for the justification of his worry. He did not see any shortage, so why was he? Are you so upset? Yar Zardad Haroon KP. A’s call was heard by. Rida at seven o’clock this evening. Mohed put his hand on his waist and explained the reason for his trouble. Zardad Haroon had gone to Hyderabad for a week and had canceled all his contracts. Everyone stopped talking by returning double the advance. How can he do this? He has taken the advance. Adnan raised his eyebrows and asked.

He returned the advance twice he has some personal issues and he is sitting in. Hyderabad.

Sarmad fixed his eyes on a completely silent invisible point and looked at it. Sania then took a deep breath and turned around to face her. He was convincing Sania to take care of her. Munahil if Mehtab was sincere with her. If so, he was also thinking sincerely about it. Mehtab’s problem. After thinking continuously for three days, he found no one more reliable than him. Sania who could take care of. Manahil and now he was sitting in a separate room with her. Saleha and Sania are about the same thing. Api will continue to love you and then you had to do the job. Sarmad tried to convince him in a pleading tone which made him look sad. I have no idea what kind of thoughts he was having. If the child is good, she will take care of her. Saleha fully supported Sarmad

However, the whole family loved it. Mehtab very much and he had no less favors.

First Sarmad was placed in a good post in his company and then. Mohed was also earning a good salary thanks to this. And I will go with me in the morning and I will pick you up from there in the evening. Sarmad also informed him about the convenience of coming and going. Sania was still sitting in the same state. Then he slowly raised his head and looked at Sarmad. He said in a soothing voice. Okay, take me with you in the morning. Saleha and Sarmad both smiled, thinking. You have solved it. Miss Bela, now. Calling Mahtab Sir.

Saying happily. Sarmad quickly dialed. Metab’s number on the phone

She got up and came out of the room looking at. Saleha Tania was busy reading loudly in the courtyard. Aliza was sitting on one side with some girls who were taking tuition from her. Aliza’s wedding date was set. And it was good that she also got a job, in this way, she could also take some of the household expenses. Aliza’s favorite things, which. Sarmad had deducted from her dowry list. Sania rested her head on the pillar of the porch and exhaled calmly. Mohid Magan was watching the distribution of prizes and shields on the stage in front. Rida said.

At the end of every year, the company used to distribute awards, bonuses, etc. to its staff members for their improved work.

Why Zardad Haroon has not arrived yet? He was startled and bowed his neck at the sharp alarming voice of Rada from behind. She was standing completely behind me. Dressed up in a beautiful black star-studded gown, she looked stunning with muted make-up on the other side. You couldn’t make me talk to you. When the call came, Rada shook her face red with anger and handed the phone to her. Mohed Mohed thought it best to remain silent. Silently, he reached out his hand and grabbed the mobile phone from her, who was staring at her in a state of confusion at that time.

Now put on some music why are you standing? like this and holding my mouth

Out of disdain, she walked forward while giving orders. to Muwahid who was standing silent. I should not have done the work. Zardad Haroon regarding him. I should have done it myself. Was I very wrong to leave everything to him? When a charming male voice fell in the ears, someone was singing in a very beautiful voice. Dekh tera ki rang kar diya, Khushbo kho Jhonka there sing kar diya hai. Rada turned back in shock. Mohid was holding the necklace on the stage. The mountain of surprise was broken on him. Dressed in a black pant coat, he smiled and sang with great confidence and attracted everyone

He was not only handsome and intelligent but also possessed a very beautiful voice.

He was singing according to the ups and downs of the beat of the music. Which made the voice sound more melodious He looked very attractive against the norm. I remember enjoying it. When he came, he stood up. what has happened? Why shut up and tell me the prizes are about to end” asked the reason. Rida put the bills on her forehead, four of them had already been canceled. Ma’am, he was rationed a few hours ago. Mohed answered slowly. Rida’s head. The bomb went off, and as I thought it happened, Rada, who was standing in front of the news, became a firestorm. And you’re telling me now.

Rida was screaming with worry on her forehead. Mohid closed her eyes for a moment by biting her lips to control it.

All sponge al ho gaya, all the fun is spoiled now what is the entertainment in the function. Shin Mein and. Anna had unloaded the whole story on her, she was screaming and venting all her anger on her. He had painstakingly arranged the most expensive band to meet. Zardad’s standards. You call me, I talk to him, how did you forbid it? Rida took the office mobile from his hand and dialed. Zardad KP from the call list. The number of. A was. mixed. You will have a festival of memories, so you will be alone among people.” Everyone started enjoying his voice, and Mohed’s confidence increased even more. He started singing in excitement. All the people started clapping on the whole lawn.

Look, what has changed your color, the scent has changed your stone.

Rida looked in surprise at her feet which were slowly tapping on the ground while enjoying the song. And then he let out a calm breath. After a while, the trunk nerves were now completely calm. Everyone in the ceremony was enjoying the food. Now the soft music was making the atmosphere of the entire lawn mesmerizing. Rida was holding her glass of cold drink and was going to different guests in turn. Everyone was appreciating Mohed’s voice, some of them were thinking that he was a singer. Everyone praised him, only he did not appreciate him for taking care of everything like this. And now this thing was knocking on my heart.

The searching eyes were running around and the footsteps were also increasing.

She used to wear very few heels, that’s why now she was walking on the lawn holding the gown with both hands.
Mohid poured the last sip of the cold drink down his throat. This is not the case anymore, the appearance is perfect and today it looks perfect. Arrogant, the head will meet. Mohed had just finished the sentence while laughing when Rida came to him with a quick step, and after a moment’s delay, a strong slap was made on Mohed’s cheek. came out while Mohed was standing still.
Now you will tell me what I am or what I am not? ,

Who will marry me? Yes, Rida burst, her voice was terrifyingly loud.

Although they were far away from everyone else, no one had any idea what was going on there. Just wait and watch.
Rida looked into Mohad’s eyes and threatened. She was shocked and started to turn when Mohid stopped her by holding her arm.
O Lisan, do you just wait and watch? “If the buffalo is rich, if it wants to catch it and insult it”.
Adnan took a drag of the cigarette and again extended the cigarette towards him. It means like a proud nose, poverty is a victim of inferiority complex.” Mohed saw Adnan’s hand holding the cigarette and waved his hand in the negative, Adnan shrugged his shoulders. Achkatesgrit mouthed back and answered his words

Abe, what a sense of inferiority she is the sole heir of the Kurodas.

Adnan raised his face and released cigarette smoke into the air. The footsteps of Rada, who was standing at a distance, were frozen. She who came to appreciate Mohid for taking care of everything was stunned after hearing his words. Rida’s body is on fire, she is not that fat, she is just a little tall, because of which she feels more. There are girls with thin waists, in Adai, I don’t look at fat girls like them” Mohed Jala Bhana was making a mocking face, he had a mocking smile on his lips. has been

This is the only reason, the artificial anger is on the nose and stays in the etude medium.

The veins were strained, so the face was red, and the slapped cheek was red. What more will you do? Rida staggered and stared with bloodthirsty eyes. He was quickly stopped by Mohed on leave with a jerk, Rida was shaken. My feet went wild. Mohed cut the employee card worn around his neck and cried a little. You gave us, then he raised his finger with a twist and said yes, it’s true, no one will marry you, no one,” he gritted his teeth and said in a bitter tone and walked forward with a long sigh. She was now staring at his back, breathing in and out, while Adnan had gone out of there with a wink.

Sania raised her dark eyebrows and cast her first glance at Mehtab Villas, the beautiful white bungalow was worth appreciating at first glance.

Sarmad dropped him at the gate and hurriedly left for the office. The guard at the gate signaled him to go straight inside. Wearing a dupatta neatly on her head, she walked through the spacious porch of Mehtab Villas and reached the entrance door, when a maid came out from inside. She was probably coming out for him. Seeing him, he smiled and indicated to walk inside. Sania followed him inside and Mehtab was standing in the front lounge. Sarmad had informed him of Sania’s arrival, that’s why he was waiting. Assalam Alaikum, Sania greeted Shai Sangi, she smiled cheerfully.
The buckle was ready. “Hello, how are you?”He asked about Sania’s health while also responding kindly. I am fine.

Sania gave a short answer and looked at the four-year-old Manahil who was standing some distance away. She was a very beautiful girl.

Her hair was tied in a shoulder-length bun from which many hairs were sticking out. She was now staring at Sania with dismay. Manahil, come here, this is your aunt, greet her. Son Mehtab called Manahil, who was standing some distance away. Munahal frowned at her forehead and then went towards the stairs going up from the middle of the khafa-si lounge. Munahal kept calling out to Manahal, Mehtab, but she turned back and was going up the stairs, Mehtab said. He saw Sania standing in front of him with fearful eyes.
She will not understand anything, she is still young.

Sania said with a smile to remove his shyness.

Yes, I hope full, but the heart is now satisfied that someone is mine, who will have Manahl, believe me, when Sarmad told you, I mentally relaxed. Mehtab adopted a grateful tone. Sania calmed down on his manner, she had heard a lot about Mehtab from Sarmad’s mouth and had seen him a couple of times when he came home, but the face-to-face conversation was happening today. Yes, you have been worry-free, Sania replied in a reassuring tone, and then she also smiled. Thinking so much, and yes. From tomorrow, your driver will pick you up and drop you off, there is no need to hurt Sarmad while running his finger on the eyebrows above the eye, he said in a very dignified manner, then Sania immediately shook her head in the negative. Yes, but.

Rida took a deep breath and said in a determined tone, “Then what to do?”

On the other hand, there was curiosity that was not taking the name of the ending. I want to marry this boy at gunpoint, Rida bluntly said in a calm tone, on the other hand, Arham smelled like a snake. After getting out of the car, Sania reached the lounge through the porch, Mehtab got up from the sofa smiling at her. Even today, he was completely ready for the office, just waiting for him to come. After the formal prayer, Mehtab left for the office, then she also went ahead, Manahil was engrossed in watching cartoons. It was Sania’s second day here and still Manahil had not started talking to her. All his work was being done by Eva and other employees under the supervision of Sania. Munahal was an extremely spoiled child whom Eva could hardly convince for any work.

Sania left him watching TV and went towards the kitchen.

Sania said to the maid working in the kitchen, she turned aside smiling. Today, she had arrived early, so she thought she should make Manahil ‘s breakfast herself. After preparing the breakfast, she came to the lounge and Manahil was still busy watching cartoons. Saying your breakfast by ready come her baby in a cheerful tone, she was setting breakfast on the dining table near the open kitchen, fried egg with toast and a glass of milk, jam, and a muffin she ate. From the trolley
She picked up everything and decorated it on the table. And she sat a little far away and came near Manahil. Chalo Baby came with love and sat next to Manahil and smiled and said.
“No, I want to eat with Bobby.”

Manahil folded her hands on her chest and answered in a confused tone.

Eat with me now, in the evening when Bobby came to eat with him Munahal asked me not to eat with you” Munahal’s voice was louder than before and the tone was harsher than before, Sania took a deep breath and then got up and She brought the egg. It’s very fun, that’s all. She was looking at Manahal with a piece of toast in her mouth, but she was sitting with a blank face, there was no expression on her face. “Eat a little, baby,” she sat down. The tone was soft and full of love.

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