[Chapter 5] (Amazing win) The story of a few boys and girls


With his hands raised in the same way, he went near her head.

When she turned back at the same moment, Mohad raised his head put his hand behind his neck, and looked around while he deliberately slapped her hand. She got up and saw the bad angles of his face. Your hair bands were starting to slap you,” the little girl standing a little away said and put her hand over her mouth to hide her laughter. looked at him and then opened his mouth, clenched his fists, and cast a bloodthirsty look at him. Mohed who was standing unconscious, his soul was in a state of flight.

He went towards the girl while uttering incoherent words in a frenzy.

Why does such a little girl need to lie, you were slapping me from behind, it’s true. Rida said with a red face and clenched her fists. had done the limit. Seeing the changing angles of Rada’s face, he came back to her with a big grin. Mem, mem, believe me, it’s very hot, I was wiping the sweat. He spoke, it was beyond his understanding how he could spin this thing now, but Rida’s eyes were convinced that he was not one of those who came in the circle of his words.

This is not a closed bazaar in Multan in which it is getting hot. You have these packages.

This heat is going to be very heavy for you, don’t you see now? Radha threatened, raising her finger gritting her teeth, and stepping towards the elevator. It’s wrong, you’re believing a crazy girl, not me, Mohed was walking behind her saying, “Just shut up. P.P.” She furiously spun around and collapsed, her face flushed. The pace of the steps became faster. Ma’am please Ma’am it was nothing like that, please don’t come into this girl’s words.

Mohed followed him quickly into the elevator.

Maybe you didn’t understand one thing. I told you to fill four next time on B-Kitty. Rada turned her face to the other side and stiffened her neck. She was walking out of the lift towards the car. Mohid carrying the bags, barely following behind her in quick steps. Remember this, I will not let you come home. Sarmad’s voice hit the walls of his mind. Mohid’s son is asking for Aliza’s marriage, his in-laws are asking for an advance, and the echo of Saleha echoed in his mind from his office.

Mohad opened the back of the car and went to. Rida pleaded again but she blew her nose and had the harshness of the world on her face.

There was no less harshness in the tone of the car. She was now going to dry your seat. Mem sorry never again mam. Mohid pleaded again. Rida examined his face with bloodthirsty eyes where the restraint was evident, he who was not at all agreeing with the words. The situation was as if she was barely able to control it. Mohed put the shopping bags in the back of the car. He was just putting the bags and closing the back of the car when Radane drove the car. It means that she is not taking him along in the car. was Mohid quickly approached the car and put his hand on the car window?

He rang the window of the car, but she did not want to hear anything, so she squealed the tires of the car honking loudly, and left there in a state of confusion.

Mohid shouted from behind and then stood holding his head like a lost gambler. Why can’t I control my anger? Sania slowly raised her head and looked at Saleha sitting in front of her. Aliza’s in-laws were determined to get married this year, but Saleha was worried about Begum Sania. I have seen how many relationships there were, but if someone is very old, then someone else has. Miss Nila. Mother, marry Aliza, why keep her at home because of me” Sania said because of Sarmad’s presence. He looked away and said that even though he was a year younger than him, all the members of the house had given him the place of the head of the house after Alamgir.

Saleha repeated again and again the same thing that she had repeated twenty times in about half an hour.

Mom, I don’t want to get married, I want to get a job, Sania said bluntly. Sarmad, who had been sitting silent since then, glared at Sania, yawning. Sarmad’s tone was harsh. I didn’t want to be a burden on my brother, and now he was not able to finish the conversation when Sarmad seemed to be angry. Well, you are the biggest among us all, but me. This is not good and your marriage is a very good place, I will get you married too, in sha Allah

Sarmad’s hand was also waving in the air in front of Sania. Was given the responsibility of the whole house.

I am becoming a mental patient sitting on the couch, I want to stay outside, Sania Rohansi said, she was tired of crying over her mistakes in the past and now she wanted to stand on her own feet. Oh, that’s why it was difficult to get a good job, but she wanted to be busy. Then look for a school to pass the time, Sarmad said, taking a deep breath. In a way, she was saying the right thing. There was an urgent need to get busy to leave. Yes, I have thought that I have told some of my friends. (Mohed)

Picking up the clothes in anger, he was shouting in the bag, Adnan had gone to the office.

But under the influence of that thought, he was now preparing to return to Multan. What should I say to my brother? He sat on the bed holding Gasser, and how would I explain to him? Anyway, she says that my anger is the root of all my problems and this time Tania promised to get a laptop on her birthday. Oh my God, I picked up the cushion lying next to me and slammed it into the wall. When the mobile phone rang, I frantically took out my mobile phone from my pocket. An unknown number was flashing. Placing the phone to his ear, he picked it up. Hello, he said angrily.

Why didn’t you come to the office today? On the other side, a woman’s voice asked with great fear.

He, who was already tense, reached the spear without anger. Marzi asked me who you were and replied rudely, who was it, it must be a girl from the office, she must not have known that I am a firer yet. A frown of displeasure appeared on his forehead while thinking, and the answer came from the other side, gritting his teeth. He, who was sitting with a frown on his forehead, suddenly got bigger and barely missed the phone. Mem, mem, he immediately controlled his tone and did not understand what to say. Reach the office immediately and show the function arrangement file. Rada angrily ordered before he could finish speaking. Mam, does that mean you didn’t fire me from the job? “Some time ago. Mawahid’s eyes were opened. As he considered the issues in the home and Sarmad’s raging rage, which was bursting in his mind, he found peace. (Mohed Mohed)

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