[Chapter 1] (Amazing win) The story of a few boys and girls

The story of a few boys and girls who want jobs in Lahore (Part 1)

The rusted iron of a house in a brick-built street in a middle-class area of ​​Multan. A half-open gate, a red brick yard beyond a small corridor, and a thick neem tree standing in the yard and among the three people sitting on wooden chairs under the thick tree, thirty-year-old Sarmad got up from the chair with excitement. Mom, now Mehtab Sir has arranged for the job, so this is showing him,” Sarmad said looking at Saleha sitting on a chair with a worried face. Saleha was now looking at twenty-six-year-old Mohed, on whom his elder brother was standing.

Hey Mom, people are longing for a job in Lahore and one thing is that they are not willing to go.

Sarmad angrily raised a hand in the air, and Mohad raised his bowed head. “Yes, and after going there, donkeys eat frogs and then miss the house and the food of the house,” Mohid said timidly and shook his head in the air. He did not want to go to Lahore. No one understood this. Only his unemployment was beyond Sarmad Bhai’s tolerance. And the food will be lying here tomorrow, then what will he do, even if I earn, I have three sisters, how will you get married while sitting at home? “

Sarmad was not ready to budge an inch from his position.

This discussion had been making the atmosphere of the house cold for three days. So, brother, you will find a job in Multan too. You guys have to be patient and search for a little while.”Yes, indeed, you have it, you have it for a full year, you have it.” Sarmad’s head was now dripping with contempt, revealing that all intentions were being crushed, and then every five minutes intervals. What he was trying to convince Saleha to do was to make Mohad stop here 100%. I will try and get him transferred to Multan.

Sarmad was looking at Saleha again and saying.

And then Saleha, who was constantly looking at Mowahid, despite her efforts, Mowahid’s gaze fell on her face. Mohed ad beta maan ja na na ” poor look and pleading, just this was the last blow, after that he could not stop here. Ten years ago, after the death of her husband Alamgir, Saleha barely raised five children, the eldest daughter. Sania was younger than her, Sarmad, then Aliza, then Mohed and the youngest was Tania. Again came back home. Sarmad since B.A

He was employed in a private company and taught his younger brother.

Now when his education was completed, he also took responsibility for his job, he managed to arrange the employment of Mohed in the Lahore branch of his own company and now this round table conference was in this regard. In which Sarmad had won.
Mohid took a look at Saleha and quietly got up and came into the room, Sania was sitting with her face on her knees. He was in the same condition for six months. Crying like this will not help, that person was not worthy of you” he said softly, sitting near Sania and placing his hand on her knee, she slowly lifted her head. I saw my little brother. The day after tomorrow, I’m traveling to Lahore.

Saying with a sad face, he was now looking at Sania.

Don’t worry, your heart will start there too. Sania smiled and then came close and hugged her. Mohed came to Lahore and gave me a dress. It had only been three days since they married. It was in Multan, where Sarmad was employed, that Mohed did his MBA in Human Resources. Mehtab Malik also had a good friendship with Sarmad but of the quality of Mohed in Multan
And since there was no seat in the HR department, he was given the job here. On the evening of the third day of work, he was standing with Adnan at the tuck shop, which was a little further from the company’s corridor, while walking with tired feet. Adnan not only used to work with him here, but Mohad had kept him in his small apartment.

They were engrossed in their usual conversation while eating kalfi from the shop.

Suddenly in front of the gate of the company, due to the crowd of people and the noise, both of them walked in that direction holding their bags. When he went a little further, pushing his neck through the crowd of people, seeing the scene in front of him, Mohid’s eyes widened in surprise. A girl dressed in jeans and a t-shirt was beating a boy badly in front of her. Mohed was surprised, but why had those eyes seen like this before today? I felt sorry for the boy who was being beaten, Moya had gone mad, but there was a ghost-like Partu on the head of this Maje, “Is this all Adnan?”

asked Adnan, whose facial expression was completely different.

He was looking at the scene in front with interest, perhaps it was not new to him. Moti said someone kills like this. Adnan looked at Mohed and replied. So someone tells a little lie. Muti Tumohid gestured with his hand and the voice was a little louder than Adnan’s whisper. Hey, speak slowly. Bhatti has a big brain. She turned around and pounced on you. “Adnan spits, why does she do that?” Mohed rolled his eyes in surprise. “Hey, don’t ask her. The leg is spinning in the air and the foot is felt in the neck of the person standing straight in front.” Adnan replied while waving his hand, and then Mohed’s eyes opened to the point of bursting.

Are there girls like this?

Adnan asked for confirmation in a mild tone, as if the belief had not yet come. No one was stopping this wild girl from killing her. What crime did this boy commit who was killing her like crazy? And everyone else was watching the spectacle, what kind of gangster was Raj, this girl’s kulfi is melting” Adnan pointed to Mohed’s kulfi. which was melting and now falling on his hand, Mohad held Qulfi in Adnan’s hand and moved forward excitedly, “Excuse me, why are you hitting her?” She turned to Mohed with a red face, a tall girl with a heavy low body, a complexion like white milk, sharp beautiful features, and curly hair that was now sticking to her neck and cheeks due to drinking. Now she was staring at Mohed with bloodthirsty eyes.

Why are you killing this child? What crime did he commit?

Mohed asked to give a theory, the girl was now completely attracted towards Mohed, and Shayed was surprised at his courage. Taking advantage of the girl’s distraction, Mar Khatan got up and ran to save her. May I ask who are you and why are you both dragging your legs in my work? The girl put her hand on her waist gritted her teeth and asked Mohed, “You are dragging your leg, OBB. He will die. The rest of the mods are trying, looking at the people standing around and proudly waving their hands in the air.

Well, you are Hatim Tai from here, you are employed in Rada?

The girl raised her eyebrows and asked with disdain, wearing dress pants under a simple living dress shirt, with a one-sided look and glasses in her eyes. Yes, Mohid still offers the theory that before offering a cat, he sees a goat. Yes, then it is useless to argue with you here, I will see you.” The girl pushed back the hair that fell on her shoulder with a jerk and moved forward. were As soon as he left, Adnan almost ran away. While Mohed was now watching the girl sitting in a big black car in front of him. He came to him, “Oh, crazy person, you know who you took the dick from, Adnan hit Mohed’s shoulder with a forceful hand on his face. The planes were flying.

Why what happened? “

Mohed looked at him with a questioning look, then Adnan was so surprised by him because according to him, he was neither worried about him nor why he was afraid. This is what Adnan said to him. Days bent his neck with his hands and pointed to the name written in big letters on the company building, what does it mean? The sound of Mohad’s voice could be heard far away. It means that this is Rida Malik, the only daughter of Onar Malik Jahanzeb of this company.” Mahtab Malik is the only daughter of Malik Jahanzeb. “

He looked at Adnan with questioning eyes

He is not the son of Malik Jahanzeb, he was adopted and born later. The wild cat is all under him, he is doing an internship in his own father’s company, but he is also the master, now you are not well. If you have it in your mind, then you understand. Adnan waved his hands in the air and regretted, “I’m going to kill you, brother. You won’t even let me come home.” Mohed swallowed his saliva and made a worried face. What was he doing? What can I do now? Adnan threw his hands in the air and threw away his weapon. Hey, I couldn’t stop him. Do you know what she’s doing again? “What else does a firefighter do when they first start working? he inquired, rubbing his forehead.

Adnan replied in a melancholic tone.

On the third day of work, Mohid held his head with both hands and felt the sky spinning on his head. But he was standing in a worried state with his eyes fixed on the road in front of him. The dinner was neatly arranged on the long dining table in the spacious dining hall of Panos. Tabinda Begum stared at her bai-year-old daughter sitting in front of her, who did not look like a bai. She was engrossed in putting the rice on her plate from the dish full of rice. She was filling this plate for the second time. Just go now, eat the salad only.” He looked at Malik Jahanzeb sitting next to Lad with complaining eyes. Tabinda Begum was now placing a plate of salad in front of her.

Where was Jahanzeb’s daughter seen like this?

Malik Saab, stop it, the girl is a new world, who made you want to do it like this? Casting an angry look at his daughter in Punjabi, he said to Malik Jahanzeb, she often started talking to Malik Jahanzeb in Punjabi in anger. How can no one do it? Whoever wants to marry me will have to do the same, I will not change myself even for a whole night. Return my plate, I am very hungry. Boys don’t get married, everyone wants a girl like a model, smart, just being beautiful doesn’t do anything, and well, this double chin has been created.

You have also drowned the raft of form with this

Tabinda Begum lamented, that despite having every facility, Rida did not worry about her increasing obesity, she was very fond of food and drink. So who told you that a boy would like me, why would I like a boy? When Rida noticed Tabinda Begum’s mouth was open, she turned to face Malik Jahanzeb, who was seated next to her. The two of them exchanged a look. There was spontaneous laughter.
“Laugh, Malik Saab, don’t worry about her age, Nalu Vi Vadi Lag di O Kadi Twadi. “Laugh, Malik Saab, don’t worry, your girl looks older than her age,” Tabanda said to Malik Jahanzeb worriedly. While he raised his hand in the air as usual signaling her to be quiet, he always did the same, no one could say anything to Radha and she was spoiled by this pampering and immense wealth. The cloth lying on the table

As soon as the phone rang, she turned towards the phone with a shriek in her mouth.

And then Bha’s phone chirped happily, Baba Rida chirped and looked at Malik Jahanzeb and Tabinda Begum, seriousness increased on Tabinda Begum’s face while Malik Jahanzeb smiled, Rida put the phone to her ear and immediately got up from dining table. “How are you brothers?” I know you have called me after a whole week, Rada complained to Mehtab in fear. Sorry, sorry, the doll was a little worried because of Manahil. Nothing can be set in boarding now”

Mehtab said with a cold sigh, Mehtab’s wife Naila had passed away for three years.

And Munahil was Mehtab’s four-year-old daughter, whom he had now put in boarding school, why don’t you believe it? Then Korda made a sad face. I have called from work.” Mehtab left the sentence unfinished took a deep breath and said, “Is it important to do something?” Rada raised her eyebrows and asked. She was sitting on the wooden swing in the lounge after leaving the living room.

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