A prostitute arranged regular marriages in four places.

A prostitute arranged regular marriages in four places.

She would take water from one place, spend some time,

and then she would go to another place to collect goods on the pretext of going to Makkah, how long?
The matter reached the official court. He was summoned to the court for confirmation. Since Islamic law was in force, it was more likely that when it came to the evidence, it would be difficult for this woman to save her life.

He consulted a Cheyenne lawyer.

He said, O woman! Life may be saved but the fee will be heavy.
You don’t care about the fee; this is where your life is at,” the woman remarked. If you live, you will still earn! So bring all the jewelry and all the ponchi and give it to the lawyer. The lawyer told him to say this in court: ” I was passing by the Jamia Masjid on Friday, and Khatib Sahib was saying,

Four marriages are allowed in Islam.

I could only hear so much while walking, so I decided to follow this order of Islam and then I did it. I didn’t know that this order was only for men, not for women! Dear friends! It is not known what the decision of this court would have been. But the practice of following half-hearted Islam is increasing day by day. If you see the banners in big cities with the details of Suhoor and Iftar, you can guess that the real thing in Ramadan is not fasting, but Suhoor and Iftar.

When it is time for Suhoor, people go to Suhoor like sheep.

And there is the time of Iftar, like impatient people, they break down on eating and drinking, but what should be done between Suhoor and Iftar, and what should not be done, has now lost its importance. People fast and lie all day. They speak, backbite, steal, mix, and look with evil eyes. They enjoy music, chess, cards, and other games to pass the time, so tell me where will the original spirit of fasting remain? When the purpose of fasting is dead.

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