What do you know, who is Laila?

What do you know, who is Laila?

What do you know, who is Laila?

The king was at that time traveling somewhere with his friends when one of them greeted him with “Aali Jah. Laila was the woman who just walked by you. Badshah asked Laila who?
He was told that the Holy Prophet! Laila is the woman for whose sake a person wanders away from his senses. What people call Majun-

Badshah got curious, he ordered.

Leila should be presented after all to see what beauty she is. for the sake of which a person became estranged from the world-
So Laili was brought in, and the king saw that. Laili was a black, ordinary woman whom no one would even want to look at – he addressed , O Laila! I don’t see anything special about you, so why did Majnu become crazy about you?

Lily smiled and said,
What do you know about Laila when you’re not a fan?

If you want to see my beauty then look at me with the eyes of the magicians then you will see me as the most beautiful woman in the world. So my friend! Just as the eyes of the magicians are needed to see the beauty of. Laila similarly the eyes of the. lover of the. Messengers are needed to see Muhammad May God bless and grant peace to them. Mustafa. You will not find another person who possesses the same attributes as Shafi al-Umm if you look through the eyes of the. Prophet’s lover.

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