She was sitting in the temple with her lover

She was sitting in the temple with her lover

Azan was being heard in the mosque. She was sitting in the temple with her lover. And she was getting married according to Hindu customs.

And the scenes of her childhood were playing before her eyes. She was playing with her friends. She was only seven years old. During the game, her dupatta fell on the ground and she did not bother to pick it up. When his mother standing on the prayer mat greeted him and saw him playing with her bare head۔ she immediately got up and۔ looked towards the yard and picked up the dupatta that had fallen on the ground. And explained his daughter very kindly. Calling her to him۔ he wrapped the dupatta on her head and stuck it in the form of a dupatta so that it۔ would not fall off her head again and again and the girl would not have difficulty in handling the dupatta.

The girl’s name was Zainab and Zainab’s mother Sahiba was wrapping her head in the form of a dupatta scarf.

So he asked his mother why she kept covering my head with a dupatta all the time۔ while all my friends were headed۔ his mother replied Son, this dupatta is a hijab and hijab belongs to the daughters of the Muslim Ummah. It is known that the hijab was inherited from۔ Fatimah al-Zahra, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, so it is necessary to cover oneself at all times. It was advised that his funeral should be carried out at night so that no non-male could see him۔ so think for yourself when it was so necessary to arrange a veil for such a great person.

So how important will it be for sinners like us?

But Zainab did not understand these words of her mother then۔ although I don’t know how she understood all these things today when she had taken extreme steps. Zainab remembered that when her mother sat at the prayer table, Hazrat Fatimat al-Zahra was telling about the veil۔ and then the neighbor’s aunt also came to the house۔ and told her mother not to put too much pressure on the girl for the sake of the veil۔ because one is that she is a child and the other is Islam inside the house. Allows to live without dupatta. Hearing the words of the neighboring aunty۔ her mother smiled and said to my daughter that she is the one to explain that۔ I am the only one who inherits the۔ Veil of Fatima and to explain how much Islam gives for the Veil.

The whole world is there and۔ I have to advise my daughter so much that my advice is read heavily in front of the whole world.

For this reason۔ I must instill the۔ love of the veil in my daughter’s heart from today so that tomorrow she will know that death is right۔ but staying uncovered is a violation of۔ God’s command, so if you have to die for the sake of the hijab, you have to give it. But do not compromise on God’s order

After hearing Zainab’s mother’s words, the neighboring aunt became silent and Zainab herself got busy playing with her friends.

As time passed۔ Zainab was brought up according to Islam۔ but she became friends with some modern-minded girls for whom desires were more important than religion. And then started dating. When her mother came to know۔ she banned her daughter from leaving the house but making this ban a problem of her ego۔ Zainab eloped overnight with a Hindu boy.

In the morning when her mother found out about her act, she died of shock and۔ Zainab was married to a Hindu boy today while sitting in the temple.

 So he heard the Azan of Zuhr in the mosque from somewhere far away. This voice of Allahu Akbar opened the doors of his heart and mind. He got up from the temple and ran towards the mosque at a gallop. She sat there and started crying. A passing prayer asked her the reason, so instead of telling her, she started to hesitate. The prayer went inside and told Imam Sahib about the girl. Called the room where Imam Sahib’s wife asked۔ Zainab about her problem while behaving very kindly۔ then Zainab gave all the support and also expressed her wish that she wanted to go back home.

The Imam finished the prayer and came into the room urging the worshipers to stay in the mosque.

Take all the information about the۔ girl from the wife and tell it to the worshipers after listening and then an elderly worshiper whose daughter۔ Zainab was married in the neighborhood of the people sent Zainab to her house with them. She came back again, but because of her actions۔ her mother was taken away, the mother under whose feet was heaven۔ Maan, who tried her best to follow the footsteps of Lady Heaven, Zainab is still alive today. She regrets her decision, she wants to tell the daughters of the۔ Muslim Ummah that one wrong decision of yours takes you away from your Lord, religion, faith, and parents forever. Do not include the consent of Allah.

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