A scholar was passing through the fields with one of his disciples.

A scholar was passing through the fields with one of his disciples.

Short but great writing

A scholar was passing through the fields with one of his disciples.

On a trail, a rotten shoe appeared while they were walking. It was obvious that a large man owned it. Put it on and leave for home after working in a nearby field threshing floor. Hozor! the student exclaimed to Mr. Sheikh. What about having some fun? They displace their shoes to conceal themselves.

The reaction of those seniors will be interesting when they turn up and find the shoe missing.

Sheikh Kamil said; Son, it is by no means a desirable act to associate the joys of our hearts with the troubles of others. Son, the favors of your Lord are upon you. Instead of enjoying such an abominable act, with a blessing from your Lord, you can find joy and happiness in another way at this time. Both for myself and for this poor worker. Do this by taking out some coins from your pocket and putting them in both shoes. Then we will secretly see what happens.

The fortunate pupil obeyed, and the instructor and pupil both took cover behind the shrubbery.

The work finished, the elder Mian turned on and put his foot in the shoe and the coins hit the foot, then he took off the shoe with a thud and the coins came out. With a strange dedication and haste, he flipped the other shoe and the coins came out. Now the big man’s eyes meet, and he turns his eyes to the left and right. It is believed that it is not a dream, then the eyes are filled with tears of gratitude. The elders fall into prostration. The news that they are praying to their Lord reaches both the teacher and the pupil.

My teacher! How can I thank you, how gracious is my Lord?

You know that my wife is sick, the children are also hungry, and labor is going down. How did you help me? With this money, the sick wife will be treated, and the ration for a few days will also come. On the one hand, they were praying to their Lord with the same cry, and on the other hand, the mixed emotions of both the teacher and the student, and their eyes were also filled with tears. After some time, the disciple said while kissing the hand; respected teacher! I will never forget your lesson today.

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