Who was the Devil? How was the Devil created?

Who was the Devil? How was the Devil created?

The reality of the Devil’s birth?

Who was the Devil? How was the Devil created? When Allah created this universe. What other animals did Allah create before the human race? Which animals were present on Earth before humans? And how did the Devil, humanity’s enduring foe, come to be? What sparked the first conflict between angels and demons on Earth, and who were his parents? How did Devil become Iblis from Azazel?

Many questions arise in our minds regarding Devil i.e. Iblis.

We will address these queries today in the context of the Quran and Hadith. You will also be educated on these kinds of facts, which the majority of our brethren are ignorant of.

Almighty says in the Qur’an. O adherents! Abandon all other paths and enter the religion of Islam. He is, in fact, your blatant enemy.

There were only two creatures made by Allah before Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) was created: a female and a light creature known as an angel. whom the light of Allah Ta’ala created. Because Allah did not create pairs of this light creature, its generation does not increase. which prevents angels from being born.

And the other female creatures who were created from fire are the giants.

It is mentioned in the traditions that Simeon was the first among the giants to be born. Allah Almighty created Simeon the jinn and sent him to earth and also created a jinn girl for him. In this way, the Jinn married this girl, from whom his generation increased greatly and these Jinns became so numerous that all souls spread over the earth.

In the beginning, these jinn, like the angels, were always engaged in the worship of Allah Ta’ala. And then gradually some of these jinn started disobeying Allah. And refused to obey the order of Allah Ta’ala. Due to this, this female creature became a disobedient creature of Allah Ta’ala.

Shaitan’s father’s name was Chilipa. And his wife’s name was Tablis. They were both very tall and brave.

It is said that Chalipa whose appearance is like a tiger. And the form of Tabliz resembled a wolf. Chilipa was the chief of giants. Big giants were afraid of his name. Therefore, a child should be born from the union of Chalipa and Tabliz. A which he named Azaziel. This child was brave and tall like his parents.

The war between Devil and Angels
According to the traditions, there was a rise of jinn on earth fifty thousand years or more before the creation of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him). Giants were giants everywhere on this earth. These giants were more evil and they used to spread mischief on the earth. Thus the giants started to spread mischief and destruction on this earth. So at that time, Allah Almighty ordered the angels to go to the earth and fight with the jinn.

So the angels descended on the earth by the order of Allah Tabarak wa Taali. But the giants refused to listen to the angels. Due to this, there was a great war between the giants and the angels. Azazel’s parents, Chilipa and Tibliz, also participated in this terrible battle.

In this battle, the angels prevailed over the jinn by the order of Allah.

Many giants were killed in this battle. In which Azazel’s parents were included. The rest of the rebellious jinn were imprisoned according to the order of Allah Ta’ala. Among these prisoners was Azazel. When the angels imprisoned these giants, they took them to the heavens.

So the Devil also went to heaven with them. Then the angels received an order from Allah to give Azazel the best training and to raise him well. Angels informed Azazel of the best ways to worship. Due to this Azazel became a worshiper of Allah Tabarak wa Taali.

And achieved a great position in the presence of Allah Tabarak wa Taali.

During this time, Azazel became very capable and wise. At that time, Allah the Exalted appointed Azazel as a teacher over the angels. Azazel began to teach and train the angels. And the angels would come to Azazel and get knowledge. Angels called Azazel righteous and pious.

Hazrat Ka’b bin Ahba (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that Azazel was the treasurer of Paradise for forty thousand years. For eighty (80) years he stayed with the angels and for twenty (20) thousand years he continued to teach and train the angels. His position in the presence of Allah Ta’ala became so high. Hazrat Gabriel (peace be upon him), Hazrat Mikael (peace be upon him), and Hazrat Israfel (peace be upon him) also used to get education and training from him.

Allah Ta’ala is the real owner of this universe. Nothing is hidden from Him.

Allah Ta’ala knew that this honorable man would one day deny my order and it would end in disbelief. So, one day, Azazel passed near the iron safe, and Azazel saw on the safe plate, on which it was written, “I seek refuge with Allah from the rejected Devil.”

After reading this text, Azazal cried for almost two thousand years and was engaged in the worship of Allah Ta’ala. Azazel began to ask this question in the presence of the Almighty. O Lord of the worlds! Who is this big Devil rejected? From which refuge is being sought? Answering the question of Azazel, Allah Almighty said that I have blessed one servant with all my blessings. That person will one day refuse to obey my order. Due to this all his worship will be lost and he will become rejected by the Devil.

After hearing this statement of Allah Ta’ala, Azazel used to think all the time.

who will be that rejected Devil? So Azazel said to Allah Ta’ala, “O Lord of the worlds, I want to meet this devil rejected.” So at that time, Allah Ta’ala said to Azazil you will see this servant soon.

Then after that, Allah Ta’ala announced among the angels that I was about to appoint my Khalifah on earth. When Azazel came to know that Allah Almighty was going to create such a person. To make its thin layer, dust is being collected from the heavens and the earth.

Creation of Adam (peace be upon him).

So when Allah created the image of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him). So the statue was left like that for forty thousand years. No life was put into it. Therefore, when the angels would pass near the image of Hazrat Adam, they would look at it with great surprise. And when Azazel would pass near the statue of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him), he would torture the statue of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) because of hatred. Because Azazel thought that I was the only one worthy to be the caliph of Allah Ta’ala.

That is why he used to torture the statue of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) when Azazel used to beat the statue of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him). So there was a sound of mud crunching from inside So, when Allah Almighty created Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) and also entered the soul into him. So on that day, Allah Ta’ala ordered all the angels. All come together for me.

When all the angels were present in the presence of Allah Ta’ala, Allah Ta’ala ordered that I was going to create a servant of mine on earth.

Who will go to earth and obey my order? So at that time, the angels asked in the court of Allah Almighty, O Lord of the worlds, this person will go to earth and disobey you. We are always engaged in worship. Consequently, Allah Ta’ala declared, “You cannot see what I see.”

Devil’s Rebellion
At that time, all the angels were ordered to prostrate to Adam (peace be upon him). So all the angels bowed down to prostrate to Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) according to the order of Allah Ta’ala. But Azazel did not prostrate to Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) because of malice and arrogance. At that time, Allah Ta’ala asked Azazel why they did not prostrate.

At that time, Azazel began to speak in arrogance and pride. O Lord of the worlds! You created me from fire. And created this slime from clay. I am many levels better than this slime. Hearing this from Azazel, Allah ordered Azazel to leave. And he said the Devil has been rejected. I will continue to curse you until the Day of Judgment.

At that time, Azazel came to know about this. That the devil that was mentioned on Loh Mahfouz is me. In this way, when the devil became rejected due to disobedience to Allah Ta’ala. So he said to Allah Almighty, O Lord of the Worlds, I want to be given time to live until the Day of Resurrection.

So Allah Ta’ala accepted what the Devil rejected. And he was given respite until the Day of Judgment.

At that time, the devil began to plead before Allah. I will lead your servants astray and make your servants disobedient to your orders in every way and many of your servants will disobey you under my torment and fall into sins.

At that time, Allah the Exalted said to Devil Mardud: “You will mislead my servants from my path and make you suffer in my disobedience.” My mercy is great. I will forgive my servants by my mercy and grace.

In this way, due to pride and arrogance, the honorable Devil was rejected. And Allah, the Exalted and Exalted, put a curse on his neck. He threw it down from the sky. And thus Devil Mardud was forever removed from the mercy of Allah Ta’ala.

According to the traditions, the second pig will be blown near the doomsday. So at that time, Allah will give the devil a painful death. And after that Devil, the rejecter will be admitted to hell forever.

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