There once was a man who came to the king of time’s court


There once was a man who came to the king of time’s court.”I want to work here,” he said in response to the question. Tell me, what skill do you have?” the king inquired. The man asserted that understanding is greatly aided by knowledge. There was no space in the king’s court at that time, so he was given a system of stables for the king’s special horses.

After a few days.

the king called the man to the court and asked him to tell him about his most expensive horse. The man replied that the Badshah Salamat horse was expensive but not authentic. The king was very surprised to hear this and ordered that the most expert Sais be called from the forest. (Sais means one who knows about the horse and cares for it) So this was done, the most expert of the forest, Sais, was called and inquired about the horse. Sais said, King Salamat,

this man is right in saying that this horse is purebred but not pure.

because its mother died when it was born and it grew up drinking the milk of a cow. The king asked the man how did you know this? The man replied that when this horse eats grass, it eats with its mouth down, but a genuine horse eats with its mouth up whenever it eats grass. The king was very happy to hear this and rewarded the man with sheaves, goats, and grains. And kept this man in his palace. After a few days, the man went to the king and said that King Salamat had something to tell him.

The king said yes, tell me. The man said that Badshah Salamat, your queen is a queen in demeanor, but she is not a princess in reality. The king was very angry on hearing this and called the queen’s mother, his mother-in-law, and asked the mother-in-law, “Tell me the truth, isn’t the queen your daughter? It’s true, your father asked for a relationship when our daughter was born, but our daughter passed away within a few days, so,” the wife replied.. we made someone else’s daughter our daughter to save the relationship.

This is the queen.

There once was a man who came to the king of time's court

Hearing this, the king was again very pleased with the m’an and gave many goats and high-quality grain as a reward. The king asked the man how did you know about this? The man replied that the queen’s treatment of her servants was ignorant. After some days the king asked the man about himself. The man replied that King Salamat should give his life first. The king said, “Okay, sister.” The m’an said, King Salamat, you are not a prince, but you are the son of a farmer.

The King turned pale on hearing this and went straight to his mother and inquired. The king’s mother said that it is true that you are not our son but a farmer’s son. We had no children, so we took a child from a farmer and raised him as our son. The king asked the m’an how did you know about me? The man replied that when the king rewards someone, he gives gold, silver, etc., but whenever you reward someone, you give goats, stalks, grains, etc. The truth is that habits define a person.

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