A drunkard always had a period of alcohol.

A drunkard always had a period of alcohol.

A drunkard always had a period of alcohol.

Once his friends were gathered and the wine was ready, he gave his slave four dirhams to buy some fruits to feed his friends before drinking the wine. He was going to Ghulam Bazar, and on the way he passed by Hazrat Mansoor bin Ammar Basri, may God bless him and grant him peace. Whoever gives four dirhams to this poor man, I will give him four prayers
This slave gave those four dirhams to this poor man. May God bless and grant peace to

Hazrat Mansoor, who said. Tell me, do you want prayers?

Ghulam said, I have a master, I want to get rid of him. Hazrat Mansoor, may God bless him and grant him peace, prayed and asked what do you want for the second prayer? Ghulam said that I should get the change of these dirhams. Hazrat Mansoor, may God bless him and grant him peace, also prayed for him and then asked what is the third prayer. Ghulam said, May the Almighty grant my chief the opportunity to repent and accept his dua

May God bless him and. Grant him peace also prayed for him and then asked what is the fourth prayer.

Ghulam said, May the Almighty forgive me, my leader, you, and everyone present in the congregation. Hazrat Mansoor may. God bless him and grant him peace also prayed for him.
After that, the slave went back to his chief empty-handed. Sardar was waiting for him. After seeing it, he said. Did it take so long? The slave narrated the story. Instead of getting angry and killing the chief because of the blessing of these prayers, he asked what kind of prayers should be offered. The slave said, first of all, that I Be freed from slavery
Sardar said, I freed you, what else was it? The slave said that I should get the reward of these dirhams. The chief said that I owe you four thousand dirhams, what was the third one?

Ghulam said. May the Almighty grant you the opportunity to repent from alcohol etc.

And debauchery. The chief said, “I have repented of all my sins, what was the fourth? Ghulam said, “May the Almighty forgive me, you, these elders, and the entire congregation. The chief said that it was not in my power. At night, the chief heard a voice in his dream. When you have done the three things that were in your power, do you think that? Allah will not do what He is capable of. Allah has forgiven you, this slave, Mansoor, and this whole congregation.

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