With which sword will Jesus destroy Dajjal?

With which sword will Jesus destroy Dajjal

Hazrat Isa (AS) will end the Dajjal with which sword of the Prophet (PBUH). And where is that sword present in the world at this time?.

A lesson for the people made of clay who have become the pharaohs of time.

The name of one of the 9 blessed swords of Holy Prophet ﷺ is Al-Battaar.
This sword was received by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). As a booty from the Jewish tribe of Yathrib (Banu Qainqa).
This sword (Sword of the Prophets) is also called the sword of the prophets. On this sword, Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him), Solomon (peace be upon him). Aaron (peace be upon him), Jesus (peace be upon him), Zakaria (peace be upon him), Yahya (peace be upon him). Jesus (peace be upon him) and Muhammad (peace be upon him). The names of peace and blessings be upon him.
This sword was acquired by Hazrat Dawood as a booty when he was less than twenty years old.
There is also a picture on this sword in which Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) is shown beheading Goliath.

Who was the original owner of this sword.

There is also a mark made on the sword which was made by the ancient. Arab inhabitants of the city of “Batra” (Albadion) on their belongings. In some traditions it is also said that this is the sword with which Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him). Will end the ‘Kane Dajjal’ after returning to this world and will wage Jihad against the enemies of Islam.
The length of the sword is 101 cm. And today this sword is kept in the famous museum of Turkey “Top Kapi” in Istanbul.
Hazrat Isa (a.s.) will find himself in a precarious situation after Dajjal ends. When Allah Ta’ala will suddenly reveal to him that He has created servants that no one can defeat.
Gather my servants and take them to the mountain and protect them.

Then Allah will reveal Gog and Magog who will descend and run over every high ground.

Their number will be so great that when the first group of them will pass through the Sea of ​​Tiberias. All its water will be drunk.
Then, when the group coming after this group will pass by. They will see the Sea of ​​Tiberias empty and say that it too once had water.
Then Gog and Magog will advance. will even reach Jabal al-Khamr,
which is a mountain of Bait-ul-Maqdis, and persecution, torture and arresting people,
They will engage in imprisoning and then they will say that we have destroyed the inhabitants of the earth.
Let’s destroy the celestials. So they will shoot their arrows towards the sky.
And Allah Ta’ala will return their arrows stained with blood. So that they remain under the illusion that our arrows have indeed returned. After completing the work of those in the sky.
It is as if they will be released by Allah Ta’ala and there is also a possibility. That those arrows will hit the birds in the sky and come back contaminated with their blood.
So it indicates that Dajjal’s temptation will not be limited to the earth. But will spread over the earth as well.

During this period

The Prophet of God and his companions. Namely Hazrat Isa and the believers of that time. Will be held back like a mountain. And the scarcity of means and economy will reach such a level. That for them the head of a bull would be like yours today. It will be better than a hundred dinars. When this situation happens, Allah’s Prophet Jesus and his companions will pray for the death of Gog and Magog.

So Allah Ta’ala will send the disease of gnaf (worms) on their necks. From which they will all die at once in the same way that a single person dies.

In other words, God’s wrath will descend on them in the form of the disease of hypocrisy in such a way that all of them will die at the same time.

The Prophet of Allah and his companions will come down from the mountain aware of this. And they will not find even a piece of pillow on earth. That is free from the fat and stench of Gog Magog.

Hazrat Isa and his companions will pray to Allah for the relief of this calamity.

Then Allah will send birds with necks as long as the necks of camel. Which will pick up the bodies of Gog and Magog and throw them wherever Allah wills.

In another tradition, it is said that those birds will throw these bodies into the pit. (Fahbal is actually the name of a place that is located in the area of ​​Bait al-Maqdis. Other meanings are pit and one meaning is to fall from a mountain.)

And the Muslims or Gog-Magog will continue to wield quivers and arrows for seven years. Then Allah will send down a heavy rain from which no house. Whether it is made of mud or stone or made of wool. Will be left on the ground. Wash it clean like a mirror.

Then the earth will be commanded to bring forth its fruits, its produce, and bring back its blessing.

Therefore, the produce of the land will be so blessed. And abundant at that time that the whole community from ten to forty people will be watered by one pomegranate fruit.

And from the peel of this pomegranate people will get shade.

 Also milk will be blessed. That is, there will be a lot of milk in the udders of camels and goats.

Even one milking camel will be enough for a large group of people.

One milch goat would be enough for a small group of men.

However, people will be living such a happy. And peaceful life that Allah will send a fragrant wind that will touch their armpits. (That is, because of this wind. Pain will arise in their armpits) and then that wind will seize the soul of every believer. And every Muslim, and only the wicked and the wicked will remain in the world. Mixed together like donkeys. Will happen and the doomsday will be established on these people.

This entire tradition has been narrated by Muslim.

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