The virgin girl is pregnant

The virgin girl is pregnant

The virgin girl is pregnant Full story

A poor cleric lived in a village. He was the imam of the only mosque in this small village and besides praying, he also taught Quran to the children of the village while his wife taught madrasa to the girls of the village. By which they lived. He had only one daughter who was very beautiful. Talks of her beauty spread far and wide. And the same thing reached the son of Chaudhary Sahib of the village.
He started looking for an opportunity to somehow see this beautiful girl once. One day he went to the Maulvi Sahib’s house on the pretext of giving some niaz etc. to visit the Maulvi’s daughter. And thus he succeeded in his goal. When Imam Sahib was giving prayers in the mosque, he knocked on the door and the voice of Maulvi’s daughter was heard. Who??

He said that he has some goods which Chaudhary Sahib has sent, take them.

The girl said that you put it in the door and I will pick it up. He kept the stuff and waited there. When the girl understood that the luggage keeper had left, she opened the door to pick up the luggage and the boy saw her. He did not see it but fell in love with it. And there he gave his heart.
The boy came home and was stubborn that if he wanted to marry, he should do it with the daughter of the cleric. Chaudhary was not in favor of this relationship. He said to his son that I will go and talk to Maulvi Sahib. Chaudhary Sahib came and said to the Maulvi that my son drinks alcohol, gambles and everything is bad in him. I have come to ask for your daughter’s relationship for my son. If you refuse, I will go away laughing. Don’t think that my displeasure will disturb your life. Now it is obvious that Maulvi had to refuse.

Chaudhary Sahib went home and told his son that the Maulvi has refused and never to pass through this street again.

But the boy was very angry that despite so much wealth, honor and fame, how the Maulvi rejected this relationship. I will surely take revenge. And he took revenge in his heart.
Meanwhile, Maulvi Sahib’s daughter fell ill and she started having stomach pain. At first, they continued to treat with home remedies, but when the daughter’s stomach began to swell, they went to the only doctor in the village. At that time, ultrasound etc. and modern equipment were not there. Therefore, Hakeem Sahib, checking the pulse of the girl and checking the intensity of the stomach pain, said that your daughter is pregnant, so there was a commotion in the Maulvi’s house. An apocalypse ensued. The Maulvi beat the daughter a lot to find out with whom she had blackened her face. Whose child is in your womb? A couple of times he wanted to kill me but I intervened. He believed that his daughter was innocent. There his daughter also sat on this exam hoping from Allah that now only a miracle can get her out of this uncommitted sin.

On the other hand, Chaudhary’s son, when he saw the Maulvi with his daughter going to Hakeem two or three times, went to Hakeem.

When I paid a small amount, Hakim gave up on everything.
Chaudhary’s son came back and gave some money to the heir of the village and announced in the whole village that the Maulvi’s daughter had become pregnant out of wedlock.
The women of the village started coming to the Maulvi’s house and started asking what happened that made the daughter commit this sin. Why didn’t you get her married? Therefore, as many words as many words. The village panchayat withdrew Imamate from Maulvi Sahib and gave him a month to arrange his residence in another village

The villagers also stopped sending their girls to the cleric’s wife.

Maulvi Sahib was besieged by issues from every angle and was unable to discern a path out.
He was sitting worryingly one day when someone knocked on the door.
A handsome young man was standing in front of him when he opened the door. Upon requesting permission to enter, Maulvi Sahib began to feel uneasy and contemplate something. The young man realized who he was and introduced himself, saying, “I’m your student, I learned the Quran from you when I was younger, and I’m the son of such and such a person.and I come from the same village. Maulvi recognized him and brought him inside. Explaining the purpose of his visit, he said that he has come to know that this incident has happened with your daughter.
Mazid said that he has come from the city to complete the Hekmat course and plans to build a Hekmat Khana in the village.

But as soon as he came to know about it, he did not believe that this incident was true. And he reached to find out about this,

Maulvi Sahib also started to see some hope.
The boy saw the pulse of Maulvi Sahib’s daughter, asked for some details and then thinking about it, asked Maulvi Sahab to arrange a goat and a dog, while forbidding the girl to eat midday meal and asking her to stay hungry. Maulvi Sahib had to follow his words and even if he was drowning, he would be supported by a straw.
By night, the boy, that is Hakeem, made all the arrangements and called some respectable women of the village and asked them to cook goat meat. The boy asked the girl to eat her fill when the meat was done.The girl was also hungry since morning and ate meat to her heart’s content.
When the girl ate the meat, by that time some more people of the neighborhood started gathering outside the Maulvi’s house.

What is going on here? The boy called Maulvi Sahib’s daughter and took her to another room where he had already slaughtered the dog.

Told the girl that the meat she had eaten was the meat of the same dog.The girl then began to throw up, spitting up whatever she had eaten. In no time, a frog also came out of his stomach through vomiting, which all the locals saw with their own eyes.
As soon as the frog came out, the girl felt some relief.The boy then claimed that after the girl drank some water from a river or stream, a tiny frog got into her stomach through her throat. When the baby frog grew up, it began to suffer and its stomach became bloated due to infection.
All the people of the village had seen the intelligence and wisdom of this boy and the chastity of this girl also became clear to everyone.
Maulvi Sahib began living a happy life after marrying his daughter to this young man on the basis of this boy’s mystery.


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